External filters


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Can I use one external filter for two tanks? :dunno:

This may very well be a silly question to you experts but I was wondering if it was possible.
I am thinking of getting a fluval 304 or 404.
anyone tried to do this?
Admittedly I've never used a canister filter but if you could find some way to have 2 hoses going in and out of the filter I wouldn't see why not. The only thing that comes to mind is you'd want the 2 tanks to be about the same temperature though and if you got a disease in one it could very easily spread to the other since they would be sharing the same water.
StanTheBetta said:
Admittedly I've never used a canister filter but if you could find some way to have 2 hoses going in and out of the filter I wouldn't see why not. The only thing that comes to mind is you'd want the 2 tanks to be about the same temperature though and if you got a disease in one it could very easily spread to the other since they would be sharing the same water.
Good point. I guess that I will have to buy two :byebye:
it does have its up side... you will essentially add the 2 tanks together... giving you a lot more stable environment ;)

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