look what sum1 did


Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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  • carub3r1337.JPG
    58.5 KB · Views: 73
Holy crap! What the hell, and to a nice car too, it couldnt be youths could it, they seem to be getting very rebelous lately...?

Oh man! I can see someone's knee cap busting over this!!!
Ppl don't respect much anymore.
thats society for ya, people think its so funny to mess with people property and make them pay hundred or thousands to fix.

hope u find who did it, if it happens again just grab a home video camera set it up in a window facing the car. ask his neihbors if they saw anyone walking around at night
if u read title..

sum1 i knows car...

not my car..

a friend of a friends car..

video game words spraypainted on a car is hilarious
holy ####alking mushrooms thats crazy but i wanna know what the whole thing says
the side says uber1337 and the back says pwn3d..

yea everyone thinks its funny cept the guy whos car it is..

id leave the pwn3e part on the back.. thats cool, but the side part is jus stupid

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