MTS is setting in


Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, United States
Who knew this fish stuff would be so addicting. I started out with a 1 gallon betta tank, then I needed something bigger so I asked my gf for a 10 gal kit for my birthday which I got. Next I'm asking her friend for a used 20 long (which I SHOULD be getting shortly, well maybe not now because of what I did), and not I just bought a 2.5 minibow off of ebay. I was bored the other day and I started looking at ebay and naturally the first place I went was to the fish stuff. Well in a moment of weakness I bid on 2 different 2.5 minibows and I won one of them today. I hope I lose the other cuz my gf and mom are going to be pissed enough that I bought this one. If someone would be so nice as to outbid me on that would be much appreciated. Anyways I can already see this is becoming a big problem. I don't really have room for the 20 Long I'm going to be getting, let alone another betta tank. I'm running out of room, and outlets and my mom and gf are running out of patience like I said lol. Pretty soon I'm going to have to get my own place just for the fish :lol: Oh boy what am I going to do?
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FISH are cannot have too mnay fish...get rid of the dining table...bed...whatever!!!

Yes, I do the same....I buy a tank then get it home and go "now where the hell can I put it"....I even considered putting a tank in the bathroom!!

If I were in the US I amy consider oubidding you...but theres no point....worse case scenario...retract your bid and make some stupid excuse up.....

good luck either way!!
Every time I get a new tank,I find myself giggling because I am already planning where I am goging to fit the next one in.......and what I'm going to put in it!! lol
Argh I'm still the high bidder on the 2nd one. On the one I won the guy said he would ship monday so I should have it some time next week I think. I still haven't told my significant other yet though. I don't think she's going to take it well *gulp* :/ I also need to decide what I'm going to put in it. The obvious choice would be one or two bettas (with the divider) but I was thinking of maybe putting my male guppy and another male guppy (I don't want babies!) in there to make some room in my 10 for 2 otos or an adf or something else.
Maybe you can tell her that you bought it for her so she can share in your new hobby and have one of her own? :whistle: (if you get her hooked too she'll soon be begging you for more tanks too!! :rofl: )

good luck!
boozybears said:
Maybe you can tell her that you bought it for her so she can share in your new hobby and have one of her own? :whistle: (if you get her hooked too she'll soon be begging you for more tanks too!! :rofl: )

good luck!
She actually got me started because she bought one of the 1 gallon betta tanks first. Unfortunately she's about to give up on fish cuz she hasn't had much luck. Her first 3 bettas died of some form of very aggresive fungus. It only took about 24hrs from the first sign of the fungus until they were completely covered and they didn't respond well to medication. It was really puzzling. She just gave one betta away because he was sickly, most likely from ammonia. She's stubborn and won't listen to my advice :( She's got a 2.5 gallon glass tank from petsmart that she's kept bettas (one at a time mind you) in without a filter. I told her without a filter she really needs to change the water about every 3 days but she won't listen and changes it maybe every 2 weeks if the fish is lucky. Its also really frustrating that she is always wanting to add more fish to my 10 gallon tank when its like 99% fully stocked anyways. Its really getting on my nerves that she doesn't want to let me do things my own way =\ I don't know what to do. She also claims I care more about my fish than her at times which is really frustrating. Just because I take good care of my fish. *sigh* end rant.

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