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  1. C

    About Walmart Fish....

    Exactly, I'm 10 and I know more than my dad who has been keeping fish since he was a kid. He said so himself.
  2. C

    I Want It!

    Yeah, well its perfect for these, LOL
  3. C

    My New Betta! **now With Pic Of Female**

    I think he's such a beauty! :good: :wub: hope all goes well with the spawn. Btw, whenever someone posts a betta pic everyone says it is beautiful, and there are no ugly ones? does that make the pretty ones normal?
  4. C

    To Many Fish Tanks?

    Overdoing it is whan your bed is a matress on a tank, your dinner table is your 55 gallon and chairs are 5 gallon betta tanks, your windows, having 2 layers of glass have fish in between them, your TV has 1 channel: the discus channel(you hollowed it out to make another tank), your computer has...
  5. C

    Baby Brine Shrimp

    Do you mean Can't?
  6. C

    Jarring Fry

    Just wanted to add, on that site you have to buy lids seperately, if you didn't know.. :good:
  7. C

    Jarring Fry

    How About these?
  8. C

    Betta Shipping

    Where would you get the bags for shipping? And just a plain old cardboard box will work as a shipping box, right? Or do I need some special boxes? and if I were to use a cardboard box, how would you line it with foam?
  9. C

    Betta Shipping

    How exactly do they ship bettas and all that? I am asking as I may want to try my hand at breeding once I get the right stuff. Before you ask, yes I have done my homework and researched and everything.
  10. C

    Best Red Belly Food

    Is there a section for tetras and charachins(sp? whatever tetras are)? I think pirahnas are related to those guys. IMO (which, BTW(by the way) means in my opinion) 1 hour is not enough for a "bump". But I am new to this whole forum buisiness.
  11. C

    How Many Fish Can Be Kept In These Tanks

    Need 800 liter tank, by what I have. Though I'm possibly wrong. Or is that probably? I dunno.
  12. C

    Just Bought A 5000g Tank

    I'd make a glass house, secure it down to the bottom, and live in it. And I would stock it with 5,000 neon tetra.
  13. C

    Ready For My Fish On Wednesday

    uhh.... live rock is for marine tanks, right?
  14. C

    What Fish Do U Think I Should Get?

    A couple female bettas will be really nice. Make sure to make the tank filled with places to hide.
  15. C

    Green Stuff

    Green algae. Use an algae scrubber pad to get rid of it.
  16. C

    Tiger Barbs Sick

    First, I find it surprising that you used such a small tank. Tiger barbs max at 3in. and they are schooling fish, should be in groups of 3-6 or more. They are also very nippy. Your tank is overstocked, 1 liter is not even enough for a betta. Pet store workers are usually not that knowledgeable...
  17. C

    Cleaning My Tank Glass....

    Do you mean bristlenose pleco?
  18. C

    What Cleaning Fish Should I Get?

    Unless you're taking out meds, Carbon is totally useless IMO.
  19. C

    Spray Bar

    Also, because it increases oxygen content, they are not good for planted tanks.
  20. C


    Just a thought, what did you cycle it with?
  21. C

    Oscar Flop

    You HAVE to name that loach Dora the Explorer! :lol: :fun: :hey: :nod: :sly: :lol:
  22. C

    3 New Bettas

    Uhh......What kinda camera is it? Just wonderin'
  23. C

    Updated Pictures Of Peanut!

    He does kinda look like a peanut.
  24. C

    3 New Bettas

    Do you mean upload them to this site or from the cam onto your computer?
  25. C

    Which Pair Should I Put In The Spawn Tank?

    Salem and Sabrina all the way.
  26. C

    What's The Most You've Paid For A Betta?

    $5.49. I've got only petstore CTs and VTs. Gonna breed in the future.
  27. C

    Letter To Petco

    Careful with those big words, guys, they may not know what veiltails are. LOL
  28. C

    Small Tanks

    IMHO you should do what's happiest for the fish. If it likes a small tank, let it be.
  29. C

    My New Betta!

    :drool: :drool: Orange betta............You don't see any of those in our petco/petsmart. :drool: :drool:
  30. C

    A Rant To This Petsore

    Whoa.... What was the petstore? Can we get some more details?
  31. C

    5 Gallon

    And I keep bettas in 1 gallon kritter keepers. :X How about this, a nice group of MALE guppies. Lots of vibrant colors, they almost compare with bettas.
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    You callin' my hometown China wierd?!? Why you little-- *raises fist* *mods and stuff look at me funny :angry:* "uhhh.... heh heh." *runs* :X
  33. C


    What are midges????
  34. C

    Hi I'm A Newbie To This Site

    Hey! Welcome to the forums!
  35. C

    My Female Guppy

    The link links to so just type the URL and plz stop trying to make the link(no offense, it's just that in another thread you did the same thing.).
  36. C

    Favorite Tail Type

    1. CT 2. HM 3. CTPK 4. HMPK 5. SD/D 6. DT
  37. C

    Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!

    I think something that's maybe 3 gallons would work for the betta by himself. If you wanted some friends for him, get a bigger tank. Also, don't do the pleco. They get to be massive.
  38. C

    Breeding Questions

    Thanks for the info. Hmmm, 7-8 months? There are people selling 3.5 month olds on aquabid and saying they're ready to breed. So why not more than 12 months? One more thing, where do you breeders get your breeding stock?
  39. C

    Breeding Questions

    Newbie here.....My first topic! I've heard It's best to breed bettas that are younger, like 3-6 months old. Why is this so? Will these work for jarring the fry?;products_id=49 Thanks!