Small Tanks

Personally i say it like this, the shop i got my betta from they were in those little compartments and are kept in those and nothing else whilst in the shop, so if you buy a betta from a store like that and plonk it in a tank which is 2.5 gallon or 1 gallon (which some people say is too small), then its alot bigger and better than what theyre being kept in at pet stores and should enjoy the extra space.

Now what you read next youre probably going to be thinking what is he going on about, but be patient. I must say, i have lived in a small room all my life, which is about 4m long by 2 and a bit metres wide (if that) in which i have a bed, shelves, large computer desk with large gaming PC etc, fish tank, an assembled shelf with 21" tv on, and its cramped for space, if i was to move into a room twice as big like my brothers or parents, id find it weird and prefer the smaller room - honestly, because iv adapted and been well organised with the space i have. Of course the bigger room gives a lot more space and freedom, but when youre used to something and have been for so long, its hard to adjust. And i guess that a fish or any other animal would be the same.

I know i have a chance to escape into the open world and all, but you can see where im coming from. Plus i spend alot of time in my room anyways :lol:

So moving the fish from the small tank to the bigger tank may take a while for it to adapt to because hes not used to it. Luckily my betta enjoys the extra freedom of my 10 gallon tank from that little compartment he was displayed in, and gets on relatively well with my corys.

i know where you're coming from. i've always had a small room and when we moved, i was going to be in the bigger one, but i found it awkward, so again, i'm in the smaller one that's very cramped for moving space, but i love it. would i be happier in a bigger room? maybe. but i'm quite happy in mine, just like you said. i never even thought of compairing it to that :lol:
Yeah its like when i sleep at my girlfriends, her room is 2/3 times bigger than mine and has a double bed. Alot more room, but id much prefer my own bed and room. Its weird. I guess some people will be like that, and some wont. Same applies for fish :good:
IMHO you should do what's happiest for the fish. If it likes a small tank, let it be.

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