3 New Bettas


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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I got 3 new bettas at the new petco!!! 2 females and a male. One female is a pink color and really small and young. She looks like VTCT. And the other female is blue and a VT. But the male is a multi color VT. I have names for 2 of them. The young clue female is Hope and the male is Royal. But the tinniest is unamed yet. All my 3 females are in the ten gallon at the moment. No aggressiveness so far but I have only had the new bettas for less than 2 hours:)
Do you mean upload them to this site or from the cam onto your computer?
I think its a Kodak. If thats even a camera name.lol I don't know to much about cameras
well with my kodak, you plug it in and it automatically makes a pop up appear asking if you want to add or remove pictures etc, then you select which you want and it stores them on your computer but whether or not yours is the same i wouldn't have a clue :lol:

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