Which Pair Should I Put In The Spawn Tank?

Your all crazy! Crazy I tell you! Gizmo and Missy should be the front runners in this vote by far!

Go forth, and multiply! :good:
First choice:
Salem and Sabrina

Second choice:
Echo and Babe

and...I think you should Summer to me-She's BEAUTIFUL!!! :wub: I LOVE green bettas!!! She would make a beautiful couple with my betta Easley.
salem and sabrina, definitely.
i love all your bettas though and am just amazed at how much time and energy you put into them! i think it's fantastic. those bettas couldn't have a better owner.
God its been ages since I posted here.. anyways.. all of your Guys and Girls are stunning, but again salem and sabrina get my vote =)
you know what my fish is called Salem *laughs*
heres my little Salem.


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salem and sabrina,though I think you should breed salem with a white female and get black and white marbles :drool:

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