Cleaning My Tank Glass....


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
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How do you clean your tank glass? I just cut a piece of filter material (new) and wipe hard on the inside to get all the little brown dots of the glass...Is this ok? I saw that little pieces of fibre is coming of the material as I use it, will this hurt my fishies? :unsure:

Use a glass scraper, you buy one at your LFS.
I find the magnetic ones are good, as I'm more inclined to spot some dirt (when theres nowt on TV) and scrub it off there and then. Not sure I'd recommend if you have sand substrate as its easy to get sand caught between and scratch the tank.
Magnet cleaners are the best to use, it is quick and you dont have to get your hands wet!! Plus they come in different sizes and are available from most stores which sell pet products.
How do you clean your tank glass? I just cut a piece of filter material (new) and wipe hard on the inside to get all the little brown dots of the glass...Is this ok? I saw that little pieces of fibre is coming of the material as I use it, will this hurt my fishies? :unsure:


Get yourself a brislenose catfish, they cost about the same as the magnetic cleaners and wont harm you other fish
They grow to 10cm, depending on size and algae in your tank depend on how fast they grow.
I have had one in a smaller tank and he is only 4cm and he has been there for 6mths and I have one in a 4ft tank which is 8cm and he has been there 2yrs

I have not had to clean the glass on any of my tanks since I have had these guys
Best fish to have in any tank if you want a natural cleaning system in your tanks

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