Tank Buddies "water Clear" Turned My Gravel Pink


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, Minnesota US
I Set Up My New 10g Tank And Added Salt, And The Tablet To Remove Amonia But When I Put The Water Clear Tablet In It
Turned My Gavel Pink Is This Safe For The Fish? Also If Theres A Couple Hairs In The Tank ( Cat ) Would That Be Removed By A Filter? A Couple Hairs Is Of No Danger To The Fish Right??

Thank You
Take out the cat hairs, just to be on the safe side.

I Set Up My New 10g Tank And Added Salt, And The Tablet To Remove Amonia But When I Put The Water Clear Tablet In It
Turned My Gavel Pink Is This Safe For The Fish? Also If Theres A Couple Hairs In The Tank ( Cat ) Would That Be Removed By A Filter? A Couple Hairs Is Of No Danger To The Fish Right??

Thank You

no fish in there yet. im waiting on my new filter.

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