Hi I'm A Newbie To This Site


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
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Hi all.

As above really, just introducing myself.

How do you post pictures on here??
Can anyone help, I would like to be able to show you pics of our tank.

Hope someone can help.

  1. Sign upto http://www.photobucket.com
  2. Once logged in go to "My Album"
  3. Browse the image(s) you wish to show and hit upload
  4. Once uploaded scroll down to your pictures and select them by ticking the box, then at the very bottom hit generate html and img code
  5. Copy and paste only the information from one of the boxes, people tend to use the "IMG images for message boards" or "IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards - recommended" option
  6. Paste the link(s) directly into your post on here
  1. Sign upto http://www.photobucket.com
  2. Once logged in go to "My Album"
  3. Browse the image(s) you wish to show and hit upload
  4. Once uploaded scroll down to your pictures and select them by ticking the box, then at the very bottom hit generate html and img code
  5. Copy and paste only the information from one of the boxes, people tend to use the "IMG images for message boards" or "IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards - recommended" option
  6. Paste the link(s) directly into your post on here


Will try tomorrow.


thats a good site, unless you want to keep all your pictures organized, then go with Photobucket.

I myself dont agree with PhotoBucket, because its always (or was always havnet used it in over a year) wanting you to resize your pictures and what not. Im more imageshack fan myself.
Welcome to the forum! If you only have one tank right now I can almost guarantee you'll have 3 or 4 pretty soon!

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