


Is it going instinct? I feel a rant coming on, but I'll hold it back for the sake of no arguments.
:blink: That's one expensive fish! I keep thinking of all the things I'd do with that much money - certainly not buy a dead fish!

I wonder how they will cook it? It might be cooked whole and displayed with the head still on. I've eaten fish in China like that.
Makes so very very little sence from a buisness point of view, thats the bit that gets me. each to there own tho.

Im still not sure what sort of fish it is tho! As the main focus seems to be on the 'Golden-coloured' fish id presume its a rare genetic thing. Like you get rare albino fish of some species.

The only tiger fish i no of tho has massive great teeth, that thing in the pic just had a big gulping mouth.

does anyone want to fund a small buisness, building a massive tank and rearing some of there guys? ive got some gold spraypaint round back. We can make a killing :rolleyes: :good:
pretty sure that wouldnt fit in my tank with my pleco and guppies :hyper:

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