Betta Shipping


New Member
Mar 2, 2007
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How exactly do they ship bettas and all that? I am asking as I may want to try my hand at breeding once I get the right stuff. Before you ask, yes I have done my homework and researched and everything.
There was a good post on the best way on here a little while ago, if you search you should find it :good:
Not meaning to hijack your thread but I have a q too. it says to fil lthe bag up with oxygen, is that just like what you use in an aquarium for bubbles, an air pump with a bit of airline tubing?

EDIT: also, Lisie from here has a very nice thread: on UltimateBettas
Here is how I ship bettas:
Do 100% water change on betta's tank 72 hours before shipping date. Fast the fish for 48-24 hours before shipping. Then I use a turkey baster to take some tank water and squirt into shipping bag. Not too much. You will need enough water to cover the betta no matter which way the bag is turned. Then the betta goes in the bag. I use an air pump with airline hose to squirt in some extra air and twist the bag and tie it. Then I cut off the extra length of bag, turn it over and slip it into another bag. Tie that one closed, cut off the extra and sit the bag in a foam-lined box. Packing peanuts are used as filler to make sure the bag stays firmly in place and provides extra insulation. If a heat pack is needed then it is activated, wrapped in one layer of newspaper and taped to bottom of foam lid. The foam lid goes on and then I seal up the box. Simple as that :)
Where would you get the bags for shipping? And just a plain old cardboard box will work as a shipping box, right? Or do I need some special boxes? and if I were to use a cardboard box, how would you line it with foam?
A regular box is fine. Cut the styrofoam to fit inside the box, essentially making a box within a box. You can buy the shipping bags on Aquabid.
What kind of airpump do you use? I'm assuming not just a basic pump to air up a basketball, right? Sounds dumb but I've never shipped fish before. Also, does it matter what kind of bags for shipping? I see some on aquabid that are poly something and then just regular bags and breather bags. Does it really matter which?
I THINK they might mean an airpump like one that powers airstones in aquariums, but without the airstone?
Here is how I ship bettas:
Do 100% water change on betta's tank 72 hours before shipping date. Fast the fish for 48-24 hours before shipping. Then I use a turkey baster to take some tank water and squirt into shipping bag. Not too much. You will need enough water to cover the betta no matter which way the bag is turned. Then the betta goes in the bag. I use an air pump with airline hose to squirt in some extra air and twist the bag and tie it. Then I cut off the extra length of bag, turn it over and slip it into another bag. Tie that one closed, cut off the extra and sit the bag in a foam-lined box. Packing peanuts are used as filler to make sure the bag stays firmly in place and provides extra insulation. If a heat pack is needed then it is activated, wrapped in one layer of newspaper and taped to bottom of foam lid. The foam lid goes on and then I seal up the box. Simple as that :)
Thanks for sharing, i don't think it is very simple and easy to do this before...

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