How Many Fish Can Be Kept In These Tanks

May 16, 2007
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Even though i recently purchased a 100 litre tank, i may go for something bigger as i want to keep quite alot of fish.

Ideally i would like to keep something like 2 angels, 15-20 different types of tetras, 1 dwarf gourami, 3 or 4 kulhi loaches, 2 clown loaches, 1 small pleco, 4 or 5 corydoras, some guppys, platys and swordtails as well as a few bolivian rams and maybe a few others.

I've been looking at the juwel 180 and the juwel 240, would a 180 be ok for these fish or would i need a 240?
the general rule is 1" per us gallon of water (us gallon is 3.7 litres) here's the " for the fish you want to keep

2 angels, - 10"
15-20 different types of tetras, - each type of tetra needs to be in a group of 6, so 6x15 90" or if you mean 15-20 tetra's in total then you can really only have 2/3 different types and it makes 20"
1 dwarf gourami, - 2"
3 or 4 kulhi loaches, - 8"
2 clown loaches, 24" (not kidding, these get really big eventually!)
1 small pleco, - depends on the species, lets say 8"
4 or 5 corydoras, - need at least 6 cories, 12"
some guppys, - lets assume 5 - 5"
platys and - again assume 5 - 10"
swordtails - again assume 5 - 10"
as well as a few bolivian rams - assume a pair - 6"

so assuming you mean 20 tetra's total you need a 115 gallon (425litre) tank

if you mean 20 groups of different types of tetras, 6 to each group you need 185 gallons (685litre) tank
either get a larger tank...or break down your wants.
What i would suggest getting is the following:
[i'm downsizing to what i would like you don't have to follow this at all]
[aswell, guppies produce PLENTY! and they're great fun,
so if you're planning on getting more tanks i suggest guppies
as they reproduce without any expenses. just remember 2females to 1male ratio.

2 angels, - 10"
12 tetras [2 different groups.] 12"
3 or 4 kulhi loaches, - 8"
2 clown loaches, 24"
6 corydoras, - 12"
4 [1male, 3female] guppys - 4"
4 [1male, 3female] platys - 8"
as well as a few bolivian rams - assume a pair - 6"

so that would equal: 84" and you've only got 27" of space.
so maybe down size some more..

2 angels, - 10"
6 tetras [1 species.] 6"
3 or 4 kulhi loaches, - 8"
6 corydoras, - 12"
4 [1male, 3female] guppys - 4"
2 bolivian rams - 6"

and now that equals 46". downsizing some more is required.

2 angels, - 10"
6 tetras [1 species.] 6"
6 corydoras, - 12"
4 [1male, 3female] guppys - 4"

now that equals 32" and you only have space for 27"
maybe shortcut on a few.

2 angels, - 10"
6 guppies [4females, 2males] 6"
6 corydoras, - 12"

That would equal 28" so that would be fine.
your opinion may be completly different
but i love these fish the most
the angels are gorgeous!
the cories are much fun to have!
and the guppies have babies all the time!!!
+they're all soo pretty!
Need 800 liter tank, by what I have.

Though I'm possibly wrong. Or is that probably? I dunno.

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