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  1. W

    Update From A While Ago

    I am aware that in a year I will need to upgrade. But this is the day. Carpe diem! Compliments are hard to come by around here, unless you are CFC or someone like that. ~WeeMan~
  2. W

    Update From A While Ago

    I don't believe it is overstocked. I know the minimum for a Oscar is 55 gallons but everyone has plenty of swimming and growing room. The sharks are small, just small enough not to be a meal. The leporinus can be is agressive at times, but everyone is so scared of the Oscar that they hide from...
  3. W

    Old Tank New Rules

    I definitely think that guppies would look great. They are great community fish that get along and look pretty. Or, if you do not like guppies, than cardinal tetras or neon tetras look amazing in a good sized shoal. That's just my two cents... ~WeeMan~
  4. W

    New Fish

    I am not sure if I am right, but that is one HUGE cory! ~WeeMan~
  5. W

    Flames 180 Litre

    Looks lovely! I love the cardinal tetras. If I didn't have my oscar, balas, and my tinfoil barb in my 55 gallon I would get as many cardinal tetra as I could and have a whole shoal of them! Great aquascape, too. ~WeeMan~
  6. W

    Noisy Fish ?

    That is freaking awesome! I live about 30 minutes away from Cape Coral near a canal. I never hear a thing. I have friends that have a canal as their backyard, they have never complained about a thing either. :( I want to hear it in person! ~WeeMan~
  7. W

    Should I Get A Bala?

    No. Balas and guppies don't mix. Balas are semi agressive, I have had a few. They are better in groups but get rather large. I would wait on getting the balas or get a big new tank. That's my two cents. ~WeeMan~
  8. W

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    Well I have: 1 tiger oscar 1 leporinus 1 tinfoil barb 5 guppies 6 neon tetra 1 marble lyre tail 1 silver lyre tail Not all in the same tank, folks! I promise! Running Total: 11160
  9. W

    Our Tanks - Nearly Cycled!

    Pretty nice! I wish my parents had made tanks for me when I was that young. What is in the front on the bottom of Kurt's tank? Looks like a bubble strip of sorts. Cool graffiti, too. ~WeeMan~
  10. W

    Happy Harlequins

    Absolutely stunning! I love it! ~WeeMan~
  11. W

    My Newest Babies....

    Yeah, I think I know what he means, my oscar is a filter feeder, too. He sucks in a bunch of rocks, then swishes them around in his mouth then spits the stuff he can not eat out of his gills. I take it that is what he meant... ~WeeMan~
  12. W

    Shy Amano Shrimp?

    Earlier this evening I was replacing a few plants that my tiger oscar graciously knocked over for me and I tried petting him... he ran from me like a crazy fish. He is lucky that he has 55 gallons to run in. ~WeeMan~
  13. W

    My Newest Babies....

    At first I felt stupid because I did not know the species, but I feel better now. :blush: The way he/she eats reminds me of my adult tiger oscar, he is a big fatty fatty! ~WeeMan~
  14. W

    My Newest Babies....

    Very nice! Are they a type of cichlid? Maybe something like a ram? ~WeeMan~
  15. W

    New Angels

    Absolutely stunning Angels. I have always wanted an Angel tank. ~WeeMan~
  16. W

    My Pond

    Wow! Very impressive, I have often dreamed of doing something like that. ~WeeMan~
  17. W

    Monster Silver Dollar Rip. See They Do Get Big.

    Sorry to hear about your loss, it's always hard when you lose a fish. I still remember my first one, I was young and crushed, I cried for an hour. I am man enough to admit it, yes I am. R.I.P. ~WeeMan~
  18. W

    Tiger Barb

    Those are some really nice photos, Oscar. You must have a nice camera. ~WeeMan~
  19. W

    Ain't No Sex Like Crayfish Sex

    Who's a dirty crayfish? You're a dirty crayfish! You're a lean mean sex machine, crayfish, can ya' dig it? ~WeeMan~ P.S. I hope he cuddled afterwards.
  20. W

    The New 3ft Tank (help Needed)

    I agree, I wouldn't put guppies in something like that. Try some nice rainbow gouramis. They are colorful, somewhat large, and not too hard to take care of. Just a suggestion of course... ~WeeMan~
  21. W

    It's A Good Day

    Yeah, she is a pretty girl, but do not tell her because her head is big enough as it is. I put her out by the pool sometimes and she runs into the net of our pool cage trying to run on our back lot. She walks up and down the net trying to find a place to escape, she's crazy! ~WeeMan~
  22. W

    It's A Good Day

    So I finally got new fishes today! This tank was made just for my girlfriend so she went and picked out all the fish, I think she did a bang up job! The stocking as of now consists of: 5 guppies (3 female, 2 male) 3 neon tetra 1 marble lyre tail 1 silver lyre tail Soon we will be adding: 3...
  23. W

    It's A Good Day

    If you looked at the pictures it shows my makeshift support (Craftsman tool set) until I can get another piece made. When she gets bigger she will have her own room in whatever dwelling I will have. But that wont be for a long while, so I am not worried. ~WeeMan~
  24. W

    Senegal Bichir

    That's a cool looking fish. Don't they tend to get very large? ~WeeMan~
  25. W

    New Setup

    Very nice setup. I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into this tank. I wish you much luck and look forward to seeing what else you are going to do with it. Good luck! ~WeeMan~
  26. W

    New Tank

    Zebra plecos are really cool and do not get that large, I really wanted one but couldn't find one. ~WeeMan~
  27. W

    It's A Good Day

    Here is my turtle named Pookie. She is a yellow slider. She is very dramatic and loves to act like a fool for company. She is a grumpy woman (but then again that isn't a rarity) and will run like hell to get far away from my dog and cat. So yes, my house totals 10 animals of all species and...
  28. W

    It's A Good Day

    Thanks for the compliments. I did make it from scratch. I had bought a turtle tank yesterday off of a kid in my area, and the rocks came with it. I have seen people who use rocks to build pyramid-type structures. The pyramid has holes in between the rocks that the fish swim in between, know what...
  29. W

    It's A Good Day

    Hey everyone, I got new stuff! Yay! Go me! I decided that the tank I had my turtle in was just too small for her, after all she was in a 25 gallon fish tank, which is definitely not made for a freakin' turtle. So I check out Craig's list and found a huge 40 gallon turtle tank with light, sheet...
  30. W

    Possible Bala Babies

    They are about 5-6". I have never seen them do it after food, I find it quite amusing when they were doing that. Thanks for responding! ~WeeMan~
  31. W

    Possible Bala Babies

    Hey everyone, not sure if this should be labeled as an emergency, but I think my balas were spawning. The other day I noticed that the balas weren't doing their usual chasing and playing routine. They were rubbing together. I went on Google to check out everything and I found this link here...
  32. W

    Not New But So Unsure Want It Perfect This Time.

    I have never heard of not keeping neons with plattys, either. I would worry about the Oscar and the Beta, especially together. I have a Tiger Oscar and he pretty much runs the place, be careful and good luck! ~WeeMan~
  33. W

    Tank Mate For Cardinal Tetras

    Undergravel filter, eh? I have heard reports of people with crayfish, shrimp, and other small bottom dwellers that have gotten sucked into an under gravel filter. I have never personally experienced this, but I thought I would just throw it out there in case. ~WeeMan~
  34. W

    Tommy Gun's Fw Odyssey(s)

    Wow...just wow! You my friend, have just made my, along with probably every one else's, biography. You did a great job on putting the "chapters" together. You have beautiful fish and I envy your ability to get so many tanks and fish. Job well done! ~WeeMan~
  35. W

    Pics Of My Tanks

    Very nice setups! I really like the amazon set up. Beautiful Oscar! ~WeeMan~
  36. W

    My 130l Tank

    Nice tank! If you didn't want to get a common pleco, have you considered other species? Corydoras, chinese algea eaters, etc. I know there are a lot of Cory fans that could help you chose the perfect species for your tank! Good luck. ~WeeMan~
  37. W

    New Tank Pics!

    Very nice tank. I love the setup. I was thinking myself of getting a gold nugget pleco. Got any close ups of the fishes themselves? Cheers! ~WeeMan~
  38. W

    Built My First Stand!

    Very nicely done! A fine quality indeed. Maybe you should make more, and sell them. You never know... ~WeeMan~
  39. W

    Parrot Fish Wont Stop Fighting

    You might also want to consider their feeding patterns. Fish that aren't as hungry have a tendency not to fight. Also, what are the sexes of the fish in question? Not sure if any of that info will help, but it's worth an examination. ~WeeMan~