Shy Amano Shrimp?


Dec 4, 2006
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Huntingdon, Cambs
I just thought I'd share some pics of my very friendly amano shrimp. The second I put my hand in the tank to do anything they swarm me and start picking at my skin, it's a very tickly sensation. The photos aren't fantastic as I had to take them 1 handed and my left hand isn't very steady.



Never tried that with mine-love em to bits but i'm not sure if i want to get touchy-feely with them!! Nice pics though! :hyper:
Thanks everyone :D

Lol PiltdownPaul I don't really get the option whether to get 'touchy feely' with them they just lunge at my hand as soon as it goes in.

Not sure what you mean invader as I've never ventured into marine, do saltwater cleaner shrimp go for your hands?
Mine like to nibble on my fingers too, just done a quick search and dug up my pics!

I've stopped doing it now, I don't want them getting a taste for human flesh :lol:


I'm still not doing it.I'm mega ticklish-it could be very embarrassing!!! :shout: Might take some explaining to the wife-especially if she hears me giggling in the garage where the other tanks are.....
Not sure what you mean invader as I've never ventured into marine, do saltwater cleaner shrimp go for your hands?
I think I recall an old thread in the SW section with a picture of a cleaner shrimp cleaning the owner's hand... I might have to do some digging. I'll get back to you on that!
Earlier this evening I was replacing a few plants that my tiger oscar graciously knocked over for me and I tried petting him... he ran from me like a crazy fish. He is lucky that he has 55 gallons to run in.

Haha that used to happen to me when i put my hand in one of my tanks with amanos in, they love it, havent tried it for a while, its a weird tingley sensation isnt it.
Thanks invader, was interesting reading and that cleaner shrimp is beautiful, I wish I had the cash for marine!

Yeah mikster, very ticklish / tingly, I look forward to it now when I'm messing about with the plants.
That's awesome, never tried that with amano shrimp!

At work once I got a bad cut and was told to stick it in the cleaner shrimp tank so they could 'clean it', I'm not sure if they were cleaning it so much as eating my exposed flesh, but it tickled :crazy: . I love letting them clean my hands, I think it's cute seeing them fight over my fingers :rolleyes: .

Cleaner shrimp will do crazy things, check this out: [URL=""][/URL].
Try that with the amanos :fun: .

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