Old Tank New Rules


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2008
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Simple tank, non planted. Comments greatly appreciated (and desired)

Here's how it looked before i woke up and wondered what drugs i was on when i designed this.


And after i got my head on straight. *looks like a petco tank lol*





That's all for now, still cycling, unsure of what to stock it with, really hoping for suggestions, was thinking a brackish tank maybe, or strictly FW. seriously unsure.

Also, on thing that cannot go unmentioned...

Black sand... my god, black sand. you can wash it, wash it again, put it in your tank, fill it, dump it, wash it again, and its still not clean. But as you can see, after doing it just about half a pound at a time through fine cloth and a strainer and endless patience... its clean.

I want to know who's cruel idea it was to say "Hey, lets try and make people RINSE SAND" well worth it in the end i think.
oh my god that's soooooo much better, i don't have to wear sunglasses now :p

All my tanks have either black sand or black gravel, it seems to go much nicer than other colours. but you are correct its a bugger to wash clean.
I always end up with a polishing filter for a few days to remove excess black dust :)
First Pic - I envy the blind....

Second Pic - SO much better mate, really nice job I like to see tanks go from tacky to tasteful :p
I'm glad you all like it, to be completely honest i was not in complete control over the first one, the little lady came with me to get the stuff cause i went into the devils playground *petco* (ONLY and i mean ONLY to pick up a master test kit) and she goes "OoOoOoOoOoOo look at the pretty red stone it glows in the tanks!" i sighed but we all do what we gotta, she went away for the weekend, i redesigned the tank, and thankfully she loves it! no doghouse for me!!!!

Thank you all for your comments, now just help me figure out what to stock it with!
I definitely think that guppies would look great. They are great community fish that get along and look pretty. Or, if you do not like guppies, than cardinal tetras or neon tetras look amazing in a good sized shoal. That's just my two cents...


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