My Newest Babies....


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Very nice! Are they a type of cichlid? Maybe something like a ram?

They are indeed a type of cichlid...SA actually. Not a dwarf or a ram though. :D Very unique in several ways....;)
No, no mouth brooding yet...not sure how they breed really. Never been captive bred before. They are indeed 100% South American cichlid! :D
At first I felt stupid because I did not know the species, but I feel better now. :blush: The way he/she eats reminds me of my adult tiger oscar, he is a big fatty fatty!

Yeah, I think I know what he means, my oscar is a filter feeder, too. He sucks in a bunch of rocks, then swishes them around in his mouth then spits the stuff he can not eat out of his gills. I take it that is what he meant...

Yeah, I think I know what he means, my oscar is a filter feeder, too. He sucks in a bunch of rocks, then swishes them around in his mouth then spits the stuff he can not eat out of his gills. I take it that is what he meant...

Oscars aren't filter feeders. They are considered bulk feeders, in scientific terms, because they usually consume their prey in one bite. Filter feeders are organisms that are large, but consume small prey and usually catch them with large mouths. A good example is a whale shark or basking shark.
those are some lovely lookin fish! where did ya get them from?
you can tel they're south american because they have the south american metallic blue tinge on their fins.
what are they exactly?

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