It's A Good Day


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Hey everyone, I got new stuff! Yay! Go me! I decided that the tank I had my turtle in was just too small for her, after all she was in a 25 gallon fish tank, which is definitely not made for a freakin' turtle. So I check out Craig's list and found a huge 40 gallon turtle tank with light, sheet rock, and the screen top to go with the tank for $65. I figured that I couldn't even get the tank for that price, so I might as well scoop it up. So all day yesterday I made arrangements with the guy and went to pick it up today. Of course I HAD to do something with the old 25 gallon that the turtle used to be in, so I figured, "hey, why not make it another fish tank?" So I went to my LFS and grabbed a few things to just get the tank started. So without making you read any more boring chit chat, here is the final far:

Whole Tank Shot

Looking Into the Cave

Looking Out From the Cave

The Top of the Cave

So that is it, boys and girls. I have no fish in there right now, any suggestions?

Wow, the cave is really cool, did you make it from scratch? It's a nice tank and I like the blue stones. :good: I personally would suggest swordtails or tiger barbs, my two fav fish species! :p
Thanks for the compliments. I did make it from scratch. I had bought a turtle tank yesterday off of a kid in my area, and the rocks came with it. I have seen people who use rocks to build pyramid-type structures. The pyramid has holes in between the rocks that the fish swim in between, know what I mean? Well I wanted to do that at first but the rocks are just sheet rock and there is not a big enough gap between them to account for anything. So instead I decided to make a makeshift cave for fish to hide in. I used to have Tiger Barbs in my 55 gallon and they are great fish, definitely a good possibility. I really want to get some shrimp. I was thinking about buying a few bamboo stalks and lining them up along the side of the cave for the shrimp to eat off. I have never had shrimp before, so would that work?

Cool! I've never owned tiger barbs before, but they're so pretty and I can't wait to get a big enough tank so I can get some. Pyramids sound pretty exciting for the fish! lol. I wish I was that inventive with my for shrimp, I've never had any. Do they eat bamboo? :blink:
Here is my turtle named Pookie. She is a yellow slider. She is very dramatic and loves to act like a fool for company. She is a grumpy woman (but then again that isn't a rarity) and will run like hell to get far away from my dog and cat. So yes, my house totals 10 animals of all species and types.


Pookie's New 40 Gallon Tank

Both the Fish and Turtle Tanks Together

You may be wondering about the Craftsman tool set under the tank, well I didn't really think about the width of the tank before I got it, but it sticks out about 6 inches further than my fish tank so I needed to use that so the tank did not spill over and my mom would rip my head off. I am going to get a block of wood or something to support it soon enough.

I do believe that shrimps eat the bamboo, every fish store I have ever been in keeps the shrimp in the tanks with dozens of those bamboo stalks. I will have to do a lot more research before I venture into getting a shrimp. Thanks for all the great replies, folks!

not to burst ur bubble but that perch for your turtle looks a little small so if i were u id get a pieve of wood and wedge it in the tnk to make a little shelf for him and i think that sliders need tanks of like 100g because they'll get to 12" in diamiter
but she looks a little small so that tank should be good for a while
not to burst ur bubble but that perch for your turtle looks a little small so if i were u id get a pieve of wood and wedge it in the tnk to make a little shelf for him and i think that sliders need tanks of like 100g because they'll get to 12" in diamiter
but she looks a little small so that tank should be good for a while

If you looked at the pictures it shows my makeshift support (Craftsman tool set) until I can get another piece made. When she gets bigger she will have her own room in whatever dwelling I will have. But that wont be for a long while, so I am not worried.

So I finally got new fishes today! This tank was made just for my girlfriend so she went and picked out all the fish, I think she did a bang up job! The stocking as of now consists of:

5 guppies (3 female, 2 male)
3 neon tetra
1 marble lyre tail
1 silver lyre tail

Soon we will be adding:

3 neon tetra
2 black ghost catfish
5 (maybe more) cherry shrimp
3 glo lights

So without further interruption here is a few pictures:

Pregnant Mother & Co.

Group of Guppies

Black Lyre Tail (Blurry but you can see the long elegant tail)

Guppies & Silver Lyre Tail (Not a good picture of the silver but she is so sneaky!)

The silver lyre tail does not like to stay still and all I have to take pictures with is my phone, so excuse the poor quality. What do you guys think?

Yeah, she is a pretty girl, but do not tell her because her head is big enough as it is. I put her out by the pool sometimes and she runs into the net of our pool cage trying to run on our back lot. She walks up and down the net trying to find a place to escape, she's crazy!


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