Update From A While Ago

I think your 55 is overstocked, all of those fish need more room than a 55 can provide. You also seem to have a Leporinus in there, which can be aggressive.
I don't believe it is overstocked. I know the minimum for a Oscar is 55 gallons but everyone has plenty of swimming and growing room. The sharks are small, just small enough not to be a meal. The leporinus can be is agressive at times, but everyone is so scared of the Oscar that they hide from him when he comes around. All the Leporinus cares about is moving that fake plant around and then hiding behind it. He thinks it is some kind of game. No worries, my friend. I only want what is best for my fish. I am about to move back to Virginia from Florida so now is not the time for me to buy a bigger tank.

Oh, and before I forget, today I will probably be getting a background for my 25. All black will look best, I believe.

A Black background would look good> (I agree with other post about the 55g. It may seem like they have enough room for now, but in a year or less it'll be cramped and a hell of a lotta waste to deal with.! Just my view> had a 12inch Oscar similar to yours in a 75g for a while.)
A Black background would look good> (I agree with other post about the 55g. It may seem like they have enough room for now, but in a year or less it'll be cramped and a hell of a lotta waste to deal with.! Just my view> had a 12inch Oscar similar to yours in a 75g for a while.)

I am aware that in a year I will need to upgrade. But this is the day. Carpe diem! Compliments are hard to come by around here, unless you are CFC or someone like that.

A Black background would look good> (I agree with other post about the 55g. It may seem like they have enough room for now, but in a year or less it'll be cramped and a hell of a lotta waste to deal with.! Just my view> had a 12inch Oscar similar to yours in a 75g for a while.)

I am aware that in a year I will need to upgrade. But this is the day. Carpe diem! Compliments are hard to come by around here, unless you are CFC or someone like that.

Compliments are easy to come by if you house your fish correctly. These people are giving you constructive criticism and you should listen to them. All of those fish in the 55 are going to need rehoming (if you want to keep them together for life) asap and not it one year. Oscars grow rapidly and soon there will be no more tolerance for other tankmates in that tank.
First off, let me say: nice specimens, pretty healthy looking, and nice colouration....HOWEVER

I don't believe it is overstocked. I know the minimum for a Oscar is 55 gallons but everyone has plenty of swimming and growing room. The sharks are small, just small enough not to be a meal. The leporinus can be is agressive at times, but everyone is so scared of the Oscar that they hide from him when he comes around. All the Leporinus cares about is moving that fake plant around and then hiding behind it. He thinks it is some kind of game. No worries, my friend. I only want what is best for my fish. I am about to move back to Virginia from Florida so now is not the time for me to buy a bigger tank.

Oh, and before I forget, today I will probably be getting a background for my 25. All black will look best, I believe.


That's great that you don't think they're overstocked, but they are. Oscars...some say...can be kept in a 55g...bare bare bare minimum. A more humane tank size would be 75g for the greater depth for the Oscar, especially if you have a bigger specimen. A 55g is the absolute bare minimum though, and that's with EXCELLENT filtration and NO OTHER FISH in the tank at all. You have another fish that will grow to be a foot long and then on top of that, a schooling fish that will grow to 14" that's by himself! If you want "what's best" for the fish, obviously they'd love a huge like...public aquarium, but you can't provide that hahaha. If you seriously want a good home for those guys though, upgrade...if you want those fish to be kept together still, get a 125g minimum. And add AT LEAST 2 more tinfoil barbs to keep them happy. Again, only in a 6ft.

edit - forgot to mention the bala sharks. Another species heavily dependant on their schooling nature. They need to be kept in schools for their well-being. If you want a fish that will suddenly torpedo into the glass at the sight of anything external to the tank, sure, keep 1 or 2. If you want a really healthy minded bala shark that's a bit more tame, get bare minimum 6. Also, they LOVE swimming room (and can reach huge lengths, 14" documented...but this takes a long time) so again, a 6ft tank would be minimum. Not a 55g. I'm sorry. Though they do look in healthy shape, they are not healthy in mind.

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