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    gourami breeding

    I haven't had any gold gourami but I believe they are treated like dwarf gourami. Question 1........ Yes you do need to take the male out, about 2 days after they spawn. Questions 2 and 3....... I'm not sure of the optimal temperature but I can tell you that when we breed dwarfs we had to move...
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    Congratulations! :cool: Try to get the bigger tank as they need room to grow. Finley ground flake should be fine for them, feed them often and keep the water extra clean. Good luck. :thumbs:
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    gourami building bubble nest

    mattbeau has had the same problem and has come up with a solution........ I shouldn't think they will give up, gouramis are very persistent.
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    Heavy breathing

    Sounds like she might be getting ready to give birth, if you're not worried about saving the fry I'd leave her alone for now, you may be able to catch some fry later.
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    New Honeys

    Glad everyone is getting along in your tank. Ddraig Goch is Red Dragon (like the flag). :D
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    Correct temperature for platies?

    Platys = 64-77* F
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    *sniff* My platy won't eat!

    What is your male/female ratio? She may normally chase off the males but she could still be harassed or even exhausted. It should be 2 or 3 females for each male.
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    Guppy Ratio

    Some fish mature faster than others so more of your 'females' could actually be males, after all, some are only 2 weeks old. They should all mature by 6 months.
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    New Honeys

    Guess I'm too late...................... yep, females have the stripe. :thumbs:
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    Which Livebearer??

    2 males and 1 female is not suitable for any livebearer as the female might be harassed to death, you need 2 or 3 females for each male. I think platys would seem to be a good choice though.
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    Is my female guppy pregnant?

    What colour is she? as yellow livebearers often have a more orange/pink gravid patch, you can often see the eggs and fry developing. Can you post a picture?
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    gold honey dwarfs going to spawn soon i think

    >>>I'm sure i could fasion something to help control the current in the corner if needed though, a ruler with suction cups perhapse.<<< >>>So my Dwarf honeys arent the lumber jacks in the tank?<<< A ruler should do the job well, good luck with it. They may be chewing at the plants but it's...
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    Mixed up fry??

    The size of all new born livebearer fry depends on the size of the mother and the number in the brood, so guppy fry aren’t necessarily smaller than platy fry but they are thinner so usually appear to be smaller.
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    Mixed up fry??

    If some have black spots or sploges as you say then I would think that they might be from your dalmatian molly, (unless your swordtail is a tuxedo). Guppies don't normally get their colouration until later.
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    Mixed up fry??

    I've never had mollies so I don't know about them, and I've only breed a few swordtails, but I'll give the others a go. Guppies look similar to a female guppy, with a long area of body tapering into the tail. Guppies have a longer appearance compared with platys and swordtails. Platys have a...
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    guppies in a 5 gal?

    If you just want guppies I'd say 4 should be ok, 5 at the most. :thumbs:
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    gold honey dwarfs going to spawn soon i think

    Honey gouramis don't actually use plants in their bubble nests like other gouramis, but they do need some still water to prevent the nest from floating away. If you want them to breed is there any way that you can make one corner of your tank's surface water still? or if you put them in a...
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    honey gourami problem

    Yes, I think you should get another honey gourami for company. If you are unsure whether yours is male or female have a look at the honeys on this site........................ The male is at the top with a yellow dorsal fin and black/blue belly...
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    new breeder

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    new breeder

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    new breeder

    I understood our point Annastasia, but I just think that it is better to save some rather than give up any hope and feed them all to the oscars, I think you'll agree. :)
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    Fish look like they carnt breath

    What fish do you have as they require different PH levels? Are they hanging at the surface or sitting on the bottom? What temperature is your tank water? Have you got enough aeration/filtration? Sorry about all the questions, but they will help solve the problem.
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    Having Major fish issues

    I have never used malachite green so I can't tell you if it will work, but I presume you can't use any other treatments with it. I'm sorry to tell you that you will need a far bigger tank for those fish though.
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    My angelfish has swim bladder disease!!

    Give it a go, but Most fish will not survive a swimbladder problem. Sorry. Good luck.
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    new breeder

    What temperature is your water, they like it a little warmer to breed, about 78*. You should manage to grow some to full size in a 10 gal, I have before now. Good luck. :thumbs:
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    Pregnant Platy

    JUST PLATYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. What do you mean 'JUST PLATYS'!!!!!!! Platys are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!! :grr: As guppys said, colours are a lot paler in the morning when the lights have been off. Is she still fat? If you can see the eyes then she should have them within about a...
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    guppy fry. help

    Have you separated the fry from the main tank? If not what other fish do you have? I'm asking these questions because many of you fry (baby fish) may get eaten; even the mother might eat them! If you have a lot of hiding places, rocks, slate and plants then some may survive in the tank...
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    my guppy fry, will they be ok

    Have you got any live plants in the tanks? The fry will peck at them and any algae that grows on them.
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    Orangey looking eyes????

    Some orange/red platys have red in their eyes naturally, are you sure this is something you just didn't notice before? I noticed the other day that one of my red platys (which I breed and have had for a year or so) has red eyes; I only looked because of a post I saw on here about eye colour...
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    Some pictures of 'oddball' anabantoids

    Very nice fish, I love this one.......Ctenopoma acutirostre - the Leopard Bush Fish (African) :kewlpics:
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    How many Dwarf Gourami's

    Dwarf gourami are often kept in pairs, were you thinking of one male and one female, or do you just want males?
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    Guppy Giving Birth

    Fry can travel at an amazing rate very soon after birth, but they do sometimes get caught off guard and are eaten. Some will most likely be eaten as soon as they are born before they are able to swim out of the way. Dense plants and stones will help to keep them alive.
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    What type of gourami do you have? I believe that the larger types also use plant matter in their nests.
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    I have fry!

    Both parents are required to lay/fertilize eggs and the male will need to build a bubble nest first. If you are about when they lay their eggs it is well worth watching. The male will guard the nest for a couple of days after the eggs are layed, if you wish to save sone of these fry I suggest...
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    Guppy Giving Birth

    Try putting some pebbles or a piece of slate in your tank, the fry will hide in beetween or underneath them. Good luck. :thumbs:
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    colouring on honey gourami

    Gouramis tend to colour more when they are breeding.
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    lead weights

    So is a rubber band safe? Wouldn't it decompose?
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    sexing guppy fry

    You should be able to sex guppy fry at 2 or 3 months, but it does depend on how fast they grow. Female guppies can give birth every 3 to 4 weeks so the fry should be fine. :thumbs:
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    Which Tank?

    I don't suppose you live anywhere near South West Wales do you? I have a four foot tank for sale with a lid and lighting unit plus bulb. :blink:
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    Which Tank?

    There is no problem in using a second hand tank or equipment, your tank and everything you put into your tank must be thoroughly cleaned before use whether it is second hand or new, so it makes no difference. There are many brightly coloured tropical fish to choose from, too numerous to...