Orangey looking eyes????


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, UK

Not sure.... what do you think??

I have been treating my tank with triple dosage of eSHa Exit and eSHa 2000( as instructed) , and I think I have got to grips with the White spot and a majority of the other secondary infections.

But.....Last night I noticed that two of my orange platys have a slight orange/red tinge in the whites of their eyes.... could this be an un-harmful side effect to the meds I am using???
Or is this yet another infection to deal with????
Some orange/red platys have red in their eyes naturally, are you sure this is something you just didn't notice before?
I noticed the other day that one of my red platys (which I breed and have had for a year or so) has red eyes; I only looked because of a post I saw on here about eye colour.
Well I did wonder that!!! :nod:

I think you may be right.... I may be in a flap as I have had so many fish die in the last week (11 in total)

Thanks :*

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