sexing guppy fry


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2005
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southen california
just curious what week i will be able to sex guppy fry (rough estimate)..... also another interesting note... the one guppy that gave birth seemed a bit early ...cuz she is a new add on to my tank and was only pregnant for like 3 weeks... but then again she only gave birth to 8 fry... so i guess that may be why... and i know she wasnt pregnant before i put her in there. my other female has been in a week longer and is still pregnant!!! awaiting her fry too :) :wub:
it will vary from fry to fry, but up until about the 4th or 5th week they should all look like females, the males will develope a longer anal fin while the females anal fin will remain triangular :)
Edit: Nevermind, posted this early in the morning, and didn't read the numbers right! :p For sexing Guppy fry, if you look very closely you should be able to sex them pretty soon....a month or so. Sometimes they can breed as early as 3 months, so the sooner you can seperate them, the better.

Oh, and Congrats on the fry! :D
You should be able to sex guppy fry at 2 or 3 months, but it does depend on how fast they grow.

Female guppies can give birth every 3 to 4 weeks so the fry should be fine.


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