lead weights


New Member
Jul 25, 2005
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just a simple question but dnt know the answer so had to ask
when u buy live plants and they come with a lead weight
is the lead harmful to the fish???
yes, then some will say no.
what do u mean
do u think that the weights may be harmful and if so what do u recomend?
Unless these lead weights were tagged as aquarium safe when you bought them then I wouldn’t take the chance. Lead is so toxic and even if it is said to be aquarium safe, who knows. Maybe you could find weights at your local lfs. Some may disagree with this but I use common rocks that I find around lakes and woods. I clean them well and have never had a problem.
The 'lead' weights that come with plants are not lead - they are a non harmful alloy. Your water conditioner will take out any tiny amounts of metal that may leach into the water (to paraphrase SirMinion!).

They are designed to be used to bury plants in aquariums and are therefore 100% safe. I stick them thru bits of cucumber as food weights and never had any problems. I never actually use them as plant weights because I find that if you put a bunch of stems together and plant them they rot - but I do believe they are safe.

If SirM says so it's good enough for me!!


I've used countless amounts of lead in my tanks and have seen no ill effects from it. As Sirminion said in another thread, lead is not used anymore and it is just a heavy metal alloy.

If it really was lead it would have to contain a health warning when it was sold telling you not to eat it (IIRC).

I would be a little suspect of rubber bands, but then they are used in reef tanks which are far more sensitive than freshwater...So should be fine.

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