Mixed up fry??


New Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Hi all i have several live barers ready to drop there fry soon i hope. One has had some fry and i fished them out yesterday but i cant tell what they are? As i couldnt figure out who was having them and they all seem to still be very plump without any signs of labor?? I have two guppy ready to drop to mollys one silver and one dalmation, 1 sordie and one platie. The fry are abouthalf a Cm in leanth quite fin mixed colouration from a pastily white some see through some clear with stripy or large splog patterning. Any one have an insight as to tell who or what fry look like from each fish?? Dos anyone have some pics of the diferant live bearer frys so i can compear? :S I know i could just wait and see but im impatiant to know what they are? :p
Fishy regards, Steve. :)
I've never had mollies so I don't know about them, and I've only breed a few swordtails, but I'll give the others a go.

Guppies look similar to a female guppy, with a long area of body tapering into the tail. Guppies have a longer appearance compared with platys and swordtails.

Platys have a fatter belly and might be more colourful (depending on the parent’s coloration).

Hope that made sense. Good luck.

What colours are the platy and swordtail?
Thanks for that. I can rool out plateis as i had a bach of them a few days ago i only manages to save 9 of them pluss i know there is still one in the main tank hidding and i just cant cetch him hes to cleaver sorry got of topic there, they ain platies as they are not fat anoth and dont have the high pointing top fin like the platie babys. So its between the guppies swordie and the mollys. Well thats one ruled out. :D So its between the other 3. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. ;)
Fishy regards, Steve. :) :D
My advice from this is...buy a breeding tank. I've just brought a 20 litre plastic tank for £10 and plan to use that from now on
You can also get small pastic things that sit in the main tank and you just put the mum in there till she pops! About £3
I'd say it's well worth it as you're an obvious livebearer fan so it will be much easier!!
If some have black spots or sploges as you say then I would think that they might be from your dalmatian molly, (unless your swordtail is a tuxedo). Guppies don't normally get their colouration until later.
I use a breeding net but mainly if and when i know the fish are about to have there fry after that the fry are transferd to my 50gal baby tank. Thanks for the tips i dont think it was the guppies as they still look fater than ever ( are guppy babys a lot smaller than mollys/ plateis? Just curious. I think they could be mollys as they have the same longer top fin as the adults but i dont think it was the dalmation one who had them it could have been though? I only got seven fry yesterday but there must be more on there way as they all still look like they are going to burst :crazy: It just seems werd as none of them have gone of there food or been hiding away or acting oddly. It may even have been the sordie as she was pregnant when i got her and she was in a mixed tank of sordies all diferent coloured ones so you never know. I suppose i will just have to wait and see. What ever they turn out to be i still think they are great i love all the little babys poping out all over the place its nice breeding your own fish and so rewarding to watch them grow. Good job i have lots of homes for them to go to, well the ones i dont want anyways. :byebye: :D
Fishy regards, Steve. :D
I have to admit...breeding your fish is one of the best things about having fish, in my experience anyway! Congratulations! Any chances of pictures?!?
P.S. Sorry I didn't realise that you already had a net and breeding/rearing tank!
The size of all new born livebearer fry depends on the size of the mother and the number in the brood, so guppy fry aren’t necessarily smaller than platy fry but they are thinner so usually appear to be smaller.
I would gladly try to take some pics but im no good with computer stuff and i dont know how to add the pics to my messages i read som wear about adding the pics by using the URL code??? Sorry dont know much about it. :( But if any one here can give me simple instuctions for dumbys ill give it a try. :p

I think i have worked out the fry are silver/ white mollys as they seem to look a lot whiter this evening. I cant wait to see how they turn out as the mother is a normal silver molly but the farther is a balloon molly!
Fishy regards, Steve. :)

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