Pregnant Platy


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Mishawaka, IN
So.. I just learned that I have a male to female pair of platys. This was found because one of the ones had an enlarged stomach after I came home from vacation, I looked up stuff online.. I guess its a female, and I'd assume she's pregnant.

I dont know when this all happened, but yesterday I saw the little black dots that are supposed to be eyes. Today, I dont. Is that normal? I'd really like to see little fishies swimming around, even if they are just platys...
if platys are like guppies when you look at there bellies in the morning you wont see the fry for some reason (probably like neons when they have been in the dark for a while then you switch the light on there colours turn very very light) try and see if you can see them later though
HI, I too am very new to all this and I had a similar experience where i did not know the sex of my fish. I had bought two platys. one unfortunately died, but i was away on business for a week and on my return while spending time with my tank, i noticed tinny orange dots right at gravel level. On closer inspection i saw little fish. I immediately got myself a little floating breeder tank and netted the little ones and placed them in this tank - that was two weeks ago and htey are growing nicely now. I read up a bit on the breeding habits and was horrified to hear that the females may eat their young when they are very small, so i removed her from the breeder tank. Happy to say after two weeks now all our fish are still alive and doing well. I feed them once a day. I just crush the fish flakes finely and sprinkle these into the breeder tank section then agitate teh water a bit so some of them sink as i found that because the big fish outside swim around the tinny fish tend to stay at teh bottom of the breeder tank (for hiding purposes i would presume).

I guess its a bit of "luck of the draw" in the begining. But was very excited bout my new fish. Keep in contact, it will be great to hear about your fishes progress.
JUST PLATYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. What do you mean 'JUST PLATYS'!!!!!!! Platys are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!! :grr:

As guppys said, colours are a lot paler in the morning when the lights have been off. Is she still fat?
If you can see the eyes then she should have them within about a week. Have you got a small tank or a breeding net to put them in? Because they may get eaten by their tank mates if you leave them in your main tank, if not then make sure they have lots of hiding places, like rocks, slate and plants.

Good luck. :thumbs:
Ddraig Goch said:
JUST PLATYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. What do you mean 'JUST PLATYS'!!!!!!! Platys are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!! :grr:


Deep out... :p

Anyway, yes, sometimes the fry turn around at night so all you will see is their tails and parts of their bodies. That will make the gravid spot a lot lighter, because you can't see the frys' eyes. Usually they turn back around, later. As long as she is still fat, she's probably still pregnant. :)

Also, try to feed them at least 3 times a day, if you can. Fry have smaller digestive systems, and food goes through them faster. When they are very young, you can feed Hikari First Bites, Tetramin Fry Food, or Baby Brine Shrimp. As they get older, you can move on to finely crushed flakes, and maybe some Freeze-dried foods such as Bloodworms, Daphnia, Tubifex Worms...etc. Then as they grow, you can keep feeding these things, and you could add in Frozen, or Live foods back again. :)

Best of luck! :thumbs:
Do you have babies yet? i am experiencing the samething you are or were. my guppy has a BIG stomach and at times you see black, other times you see a peachish colors. I can almost now see the shape of the fry so it shouldnt be long.

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