Search results

  1. K

    Game Fish For sale

    you dodnt its not a good thing to get a fish that is for food. stocka pond with goldfish they are cold water fish and can be kept in ten gallons each with filtation tubs in the winter. if you want o know more about goldfish go to
  2. K

    Another product of fish cruelty :(

    in grade 8 i had a 3 gallon tank with hood and batrie powerd lighting that i kept a betta in. the only catch was it was in my locker. it did great. but it had every thing light and all. and water changes were so easy beacuse of the bathroom being right there. i kept some salt(just in case) betta...
  3. K

    corys not getting enuff?

    hey i have river rocks in my tank and the corrys couldnt get under them so it was realy hard to clean the rocks with out moving all the plants ect. so i put a ugf in . now im wondering if they are geting enuff food. i feed the fish twice a day andfeed themtropical fish food somthimes ill put a...
  4. K

    What fish could go with ...

    groumies?? i dont know how theyw ould go with barbs though. some neons..
  5. K

    What was your first fish?

    my frist fish was a goldfish. the frist fish i looked up was a betta. i still have the same betta and still keep goldfish.
  6. K

    ahh stop the fighting

    ok thanks
  7. K

    ahh stop the fighting

    hey guys i have a 20 gal tank with 2 groumies(sorry 4 the spelling) 4 corys and 6 neons tetras. i origanily bought 2 blue groumies together but one died so i went to the same store and got another one. but the one i had befor will not let up on the poor new guy. i thought they had too be in...
  8. K

    Japanese Blue Fighter Fish

    get the betta but dont put it in a tank they need very littel. they need min 1 gallon 2 i would say min. and about a inch of brathing suface. a plant (fake or real) and some betta bites. they dont need filtration (they love still water) no light but a heater is pref although they will survive...
  9. K

    hey im new at tropicals and have a propblem

    i konw i just ran outta the other n test kit literly yesteday im going to pick one up wen i get paid.
  10. K

    My gourami

    goldfish are cold water fish. and doo so much better with out a heater is the beat site realy on goldfish the message board is set up just like this one so you wont get lost lol.
  11. K

    hey im new at tropicals and have a propblem

    ammonia =.5 ,ph =7 ,nitrate =20ppm water prims are fine at the moment i only have thoughs test kits.
  12. K

    Goldfish dieing

    hi i breed gold fish. and i know almaos t every thing there is to know about them. goldfish need MIN ten gallons EACH no matter wut the pet store says. a "feeder" aslo a comman or commet needs 15 galons min. they are VERY drity fish and need alot of flitration and airation in the tank. if you...
  13. K

    Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?

    they r so crule its not eve funny and they are more work.
  14. K

    hey im new at tropicals and have a propblem

    yah one did dye but i got anothe one. no the tank is alredy cycled
  15. K

    Coca Cola in the tank..... whats it going to do?

    i think it would change the ph to more acidic...just do water changes for the next bit to get it out.
  16. K

    walmart returning dead fish

    i would . then save another fish from the hands of walmart.
  17. K

    hey im new at tropicals and have a propblem

    hey guys i have a 20 gal tropical tank with 6 neons 4 corys and 2 blue groumies. one of my groumies has rapid brathing and is turning a tinge of green. any one know wuts worng with her? and one of my neons is loosing its coler on the one side.....related? and i poasted the other day about rust...
  18. K


    i dont like some guppies some of them have tails that slope down i dont like that but every now and then i see some that catch my eye.
  19. K

    puffer fish

    hey guys i was a t walmart the other day and i saw the tinyest puffer fish in the tank with some neons. i was tempted to get it but i know nothing about them. soooooo wat do you guys know about them? tank temp tank mats , how many gals, ph, ect.
  20. K

    rust!!!! ohhhh no bad rocks.

    i thought it was algea too at frist but i took one out and it was rust. not it isnt vey much just dots of it hear and there. is there a glaze or somthing that i could put on them that wouldnt harm my tank.? should i just leave the rocks in there?
  21. K

    rust!!!! ohhhh no bad rocks.

    hey guys i JUST got my tank set up. its a 20 gallon with 4 corys(am geting 2 more soon) 6 neon minnows and one blue groumie(sorry 4 the spelling) its been cycled for 3 weeks so i got the fish and the dector at the same time i bought river typ rocks from the pet store to have insted of gravel but...
  22. K

    wut do you think?

    hey guys i just got a ten gallon that i want to put a male betta in. now i was surfing the web for good tank mates and i found this......Bettas are not recommended for community aquariums. But some people do keep them with other fish. Here is some advice for community tanks: 1. Keep the...
  23. K

    An odd visit to pet store.

    lol awww wow that would be sooo horible. its kinda funny though not that i like seeing things die or any thing but its shure is ironic.
  24. K

    do you fish

    i dont love fishing and could never actualy bring my self to bonk the fish(lol thanx dad) but i do like eating it it good for you. i do feel bad about it though. i do fish.
  25. K

    second hand ten gallon

    yah i was soo happy i found that tank it shure made my week. i have a betta that i would like to put in there. and some other fish i hant decided yet i was thinking of some neons? any one know of some good fish that i could put in there with my betta? ok the gravel looks REALY clean. i have a...
  26. K

    Banning of glowfish in Canada?

    why do they care sooo much i dont see how they could be any more harmful then the origanals but it should be looked into i geuss. some ppl on that articl were saying they dont like that there geneticaly alterd but goldfish are too thats all that they are. and they are aloud in canada and would...
  27. K

    yay new tank

    [lol no! there are soooo many realy colerful looking tropical fish :D here is a site that list many of the tropical fish and some info on them its a good site on deciding on wut fish to get. it tells you there temperment and how many to get the food ph ect. this is it click here :)]this is...
  28. K

    second hand ten gallon

    hey guys i just found a ten gallon tank with filter,light,hood,stand,gravel,AND ornament for 10$!!!!!!! wow wut a steal!!! its a aqurilick(sorry on the spelling) seamless tank (so no leaks :D ) the only thing is im going to buy new filter stuff like the sponge and floss.(i dont know wuts been...
  29. K

    Whats your favorite fish

    im realy new to tropicals but iv had bettas for years and like them alot.
  30. K

    bettas + gouramis = what??

    even then nope and the gouami will grow i would say 100% no to puting them together
  31. K

    Getting a new Tank!!

    i was in a second hand store and i found this 70 gallon tank with lights hood, heater filter and some decorations for 60 bucks canadian i thiugh that was a deal :nod:
  32. K

    Fish Attacking Guppies!

    i would keep them in there for a wile maby a week or so and then try puting the new fish in at night wen its dark out so they cant realy see them? i dont know if this would make any diffrance or not. its worth a try.
  33. K

    how many gals?

    thanks guys would just female platies work or not?
  34. K

    how many gals?

    :dunno: yah... im wondering how many gallons i need for the tank :P
  35. K

    how many gals?

    hey guys iv decided to get 2 neon blue dwarf Gouramis (one male and a female) 4 albino corrys one male molly and 3 females. haha im soooo sunked on this tank im realy looking forward to it :-
  36. K

    Fungus-how have YOU treated it??

    wen starting out my goldie tank i had evry fungi under the book and i used poly gaurd and its worked for everything i had even dropsy. and u can use it on scalless fish.
  37. K

    Tiger Barbs w/Gouramis or Rams?

    some ppl have said that barbs will nip the gouramis fins.
  38. K

    im looking at these fish

    a lot of ppl dont like goldies. i dont like the look of some of the but some i realy do. the same with tropiclas. some i love others i hate. i realy want a neon blue dwarf grourami and i would like to acomadate my tank to the male and female i will be getting. possibly not a female i read the...
  39. K

    im looking at these fish

    i never herd of them attacing the female only other males any one els have this problem?
  40. K

    im looking at these fish

    ps im planing on geting some sort of floating plant wut typ of filter would be best?