Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2004
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I am just wondering if anyone has any experience with livingpicture aquariums

I am considering buying one of these as it wont take up as much space as my 12 gallon tank that i already have.
But if they are more hassle and harder to keep then i'll just stick with my normal tank.

Opinions welcome.

Those are awful. The fish can barely turn around. How do you clean it. :/

Please re-consider.
I totally disagree 100% that they are awful. They give the fish atleast 6" to turn around. If the fish are small enough then there should be no problem. It's no worse then a 1 gallon. Or a .5 gallon. The smallest tank it 18" long by 18" high by 6" deep. I don't see how they could be any worse then a normal fish tank. Just be sure that the wall it's going to sit on is firm enough. Go for it, I say. Just don't put cichlids or anything in it. :nod: Let us know how it goes, K? U should have all the same things happen as you would with a normal aquarium. Treat it like you would a normal aquarium.
Do you know this from personal experience, have you had on? Small fish don't need much room to turn around. If the fish are small enough, they shouldn't have a problem in any way. And hard to clean? Is your cleaning equipment bigger then 6"? If so, stop using your vaccuum cleaner on your fish tank. :no: :blink: :p Anyways, most of the cleaning equipment that I've seen should have no problem getting into a 6" tank. What is so cruel and unusual about them? Cuz they hang on the wall? That's the only difference. That and all these come with backgrounds. Not all tanks do.
their volume and surface are look very suspect. Plus looks like proper filtration and temperatur would be tough. Leaving basically bettas which would do ok as goldfish would be much too large.
The tanks are designed for small fish like tetras, not any larger fish. I agree with one of the previous posts.

Whats the difference in having a 1.5 inch fish in a tank thats 6 inches wide, and having a 5 inch fish in a tank thats 25 inches wide.

paulioo said:
The tanks are designed for small fish like tetras, not any larger fish. I agree with one of the previous posts.

Whats the difference in having a 1.5 inch fish in a tank thats 6 inches wide, and having a 5 inch fish in a tank thats 25 inches wide.

mostly surface area for oxygen exchange. I still ask though how are you going to filter and heat the living picture?
Well like i said before im a beginner so i dont really know that much but according to the website....

" No obtrusive equipment. Filter, heater and overhead lighting system are hidden behind picture frame.. "

If you mean what type of filter and heater then i dont know :unsure:

The lack of surface area for oxygen exchange is what would concern me as well :/
If you go into to buy one, you see what all it comes with. It comes with all this: Wood Effect Cabinet and Picture Frame

6mm Glass Aquarium with sliding Condensation Trays

Fitted Themed Aquarium Background Picture

Aquascaper 'Living World' Artificial Plants

Thermostatically controlled Heater for Tropical Fish

'Life Glo' Fluorescent Light with built-in Reflector

Liquid Crystal Thermometer

Fantastic 'Algae Magnet' for cleaning the front glass

Ornaments and Rocks (Crystal Cave & Atlantis)

'Arcadia' Aquarium Transformer unit for Light

Aquarium Cable Tidy for - Keeping wires tidy !

All Fittings and Full Instructions

Power Filtration unit with built-in Aeration system

Sounds good to me. I'm going to get one when I can afford it.
The only problem i could see with it is the fact that the filter for it is a custom you cant just change the filter if you dont like it...or if its not you'd probably have to buy equipment/carbon insert etc from the company that makes it might be expensive..Plus how much are they?...for the money just get a tank :blink:
The one i was looking at buying was 80cm x 46cm x 15cm it costs £289.
I dont think this is overly expensive considering you get all the equipement included and free delivery which is a bonus.

Regarding the surface area....

This tank would have a surface area of 1200 cm squared, which is 186 inches squared.

Would this be enough to keep around 7 neon tetras?

If i bought this aquarium thats all id put in it.

There was once a nice little yellow man ====> :rolleyes:
who met a horrible mean yellow man ====> :grr:
The mean yellow man shouted at the
nice yellow man and scared him ====> :hyper:
The nice yellow man ran away and
the mean yellow man just laughed ====> :rofl:

The end..... :clap:

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