Japanese Blue Fighter Fish

gawd, from what i read in the begining i think someone needs to tell that lady a little something about fish. it sounds like she obviously don't know shnit about them. japanese fighter fish??? for one, tell her it's "siamese". not japanese. as for the other fish, i don't know anything about, but since others posting on here say that she gave bs info about them too, i'd definetly go to the store and tell them off. that would tick me off if my lfs gave me info like that.

what was the stores name that told you all this horse crap?
Basically to summerize whats been said before you really can't generalize bettas. In my case I've had very peaceful ones that have gotten along with guppies and tetras but you will get some that won't. As for your other fish terrorizing the betta, I've heard of mollys attacking bettas but again I think it depends on your molly. The guppies I really doubt would hurt the betta or the platys and I know the cory wouldn't. The swordtails I have no clue about. A lone female might do well because of the shorter fins, IME other fish are less likely to nip when they have less fins to nip :) It still happens though. My serpaes were attacking my female betta so I had to move her. Good luck with whatever you decide.
get the betta but dont put it in a tank they need very littel. they need min 1 gallon 2 i would say min. and about a inch of brathing suface. a plant (fake or real) and some betta bites. they dont need filtration (they love still water) no light but a heater is pref although they will survive with out one. chnge the water once a week feed 2 times a day and your set. i love them soo much. here is some sites on them.a betta story and care gide (my fave site 4 bettas) click here another site just as good...click here
just something i wanted to add.... japanese and siamese fighter fish are the same.(pretty sure about that) dont forget, only one male per tank!!!!
hth ;)
Hey, don't worry about it. The woman in the pet store didnt give completely BS info. for example, she told you not to add too many fish at once, even if she did get the reason wrong - and who knows, perhaps she has a tank at home and she told you this through her own experience?

Betta Splendens can be classed as either Japanese or Siamese Fighting Fish here in the UK, it would probably depend on what the supplier of that fish store is calling them. (Siamese is more usual) I have kept cories and siamese fighters in the same tank with no problem - the only problem would be the guppies. But I also had mollies with a siamese and he got picked on. But I dont think you should go for a 1 gallon.
Female siamese fighters can be dull in colour, but im sure if you shop around you could get brighter ones. :unsure: dont quote me on that!

But your tank sounds great! If you have a mix of platies, they will probably breed.

HTH :thumbs:
I had 2 lyretail mollies, 2 sailfin mollies and a siamese fighter all in a very small tank, 5us gallons. After a few fights where none of them were injured, they settled down and i had no aggression from any of my fish until 3 of them died. (gradually, through illness)
So is there absolutely no way whatsoever than i can fit a few neons in there??
without getting rid of any, as i am very attached

I only have 13 fish, in a 27.5 UK Gal, which is 36 1/2" long, 18" high, and 16 1/2" deep
5 Mollys (1 dalmation, 2 black, 2 silver)
2 Platys (blue tint)
3 Guppies (2 orange, 1 blue)
1 Corydory
2 Swordtails (1 blue, 1 orange and white)
The lady at the shop has millions in her tank (i know its not longterm), but she said i'd be able to get at least 30 fish in my tank, and this was after i bought 9 of the above.

Neons are tiny, surely they wont take up much space?

Some people here have advised that i get 2 more cories, couldnt i get 1 cory, and a few neons??
Thanks Miranda
I would say, yes, they would probably be fine in a pair of cories. I have kept tetras in pairs and although most people here would sya "No!" and slap my wrists, I feel that they do very well in a pair, especially for my 2ft tank which doesnat have a great deal of room. I would recommend Harlequin Rasboras or a pair of black widow tetras but they get larger than most tetras. Head and tail lights make brilliant community fish and you could put a couple in your tank. However, single tetras tend to mope. But Id say, one cory and 2 or 3 tetras and with regular water changes and water tests you should be ok.
One or two more cories won't be bad. And, as long as you keep it to a few (maybe 3-5) Neons should be ok too. My reasoning for this is the cories are primarly going to be interested in the bottom of the tank, and the neons would probably be more interested in the middle to upper portion of the tank.

As long as you have a filter that keeps the tank clean, and the fish all have enough room to swim, you're ok. The 1 inch / gallon isn't a rule, it's merely (in my opinion) a guideline.

Just keep a close eye on your fish to make sure that they have enough room to swim around without getting into disputes over space...but I personally think you'll be fine.

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