

Apr 1, 2004
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Cheltenham (UK)
When I first started looking at tropical fish I thought guppies were really cool but over the months I think more and more how horrid they are.

Theres just something about them, something slightly inbred. Their look and the way they move really doesnt appeal to me anymore.

Anyone else feel the same?

I cant stand them or mollies, platties or swordtails. :sick:
I dont know about swordtails but guppies and mollies are to common.
sometimes i like them, sometimes i dont. i dont like fanceys though, only the colorful ones, and i dont like most livebeares, just platties.
Hi bunjiweb :)

I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate guppies, but I'm not happy with most of them I see at the lfs these days. :sad:

When I was a kid, guppies had not been overly inbred like they are now. They were always perky and pretty little fish and each one was different from the next.
True, they were not as fancy and their overall size and the length of their tails was not what it is now, but it was exciting to watch fry grow and develop their individual colors and patterns. Each one was unique and special.

These days, they are lucky they can swim at all with their over-sized fins and tail. They are prone to illness more easily too, it seems to me. When humans breed for special qualities in a fish, IMHO, for everything they gain in beauty, they lose something in stamina. :X

I think it's a sad thing to see fish bred that way since it does not benefit them in any way. They are only selectively bred to please the fickle whims of humans. :-(

Of course, it's not the fishes fault. I like them for what they are, but I'm not overly fond of the people who make them that way.
i sort of agree. guppies have been bred just too much. but what about bettas? i almost feel sorry for them for having to drag their huge fins around. but this is what the public desires
how can anybody say they dont like guppies they are the easiest fish too breed and there are so many different types of colours i have been breeding guppies for years and they still bring me great pleasure!!
i dont like some guppies some of them have tails that slope down i dont like that but every now and then i see some that catch my eye.
im not a big fan on guppies mollies platies ect... but i was when i first started in the hobby.. i think most ppls tastes change, they have to go for somthing different.

but this is what the public desires

and what we normaly want, we always normaly get innit....

i honestly wouldnt have guppies if i was payed... but sayin that theres another handfull of fish i wouldnt have if i was payed to keep them. at first i couldnt stand the thought of having neon tetras because i thought they were too 'common' in ppls tanks, every tank i saw ppl had tetras :S, well im glad to say i joined the flock (baaaaa) iv now got 5 neon tetras in my tank, and im quite happy how good they look against my backdrop of lush green plants, and bottom dwellers, angels and others :)

just my two pence worth :)
I love guppies but it's just the way people keep breeding them and breeding them and their bodies are twisted and horrible. They can't even swim properly. I tend to buy my guppies at a proper guppy breeding centre where they still look beautiful and are very healthy.
aquarius said:
i sort of agree. guppies have been bred just too much. but what about bettas? i almost feel sorry for them for having to drag their huge fins around. but this is what the public desires
Bettas have more personality, and don't swim away when you come over, Most guppies I've seen do :unsure:

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