hey im new at tropicals and have a propblem


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
candada B.C
hey guys i have a 20 gal tropical tank with 6 neons 4 corys and 2 blue groumies. one of my groumies has rapid brathing and is turning a tinge of green. any one know wuts worng with her? and one of my neons is loosing its coler on the one side.....related? and i poasted the other day about rust being in the rocks that i put in the tank i was freaking out but ppl said it was ok. could that be why they are sick?
Hmm, but in the rust thread you mentioned one gourami dying...was that during cycling or was it showing the same symptoms of discoloring?
Could be the rocks, if your gut tells you not to do it,then don't.

Have you tested your water parameters recently?
IME some fish will show a yellow/green colour when suffering from ammonia poisening, check all your parameters asap.
ammonia =.5 ,ph =7 ,nitrate =20ppm water prims are fine at the moment i only have thoughs test kits.
i konw i just ran outta the other n test kit literly yesteday im going to pick one up wen i get paid.

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