walmart returning dead fish


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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does walmart have a return policy for fish returns? Ive have a fish that died from like 1 month ago, and they never said anything about a return policy. I know I did return one from like 3weeks, but I'm not sure. Did you also know that they dont check what fish is dead? You could by a really expensive fish, have a dead one at home, and go back the next day and say, it died, and theyd give you your money back I bet. Isnt that kinda odd? would any of you do that? Personaly I think thats wrong, but because theyre so stupid to not check would you say its there fault and oh well, just do it anyways?
I'm not sure what the return policy is, one local one says 90 days but the others around me don't have any posted.

& yeah I'd do that ;)
thats a LONG return policy.

so i guess ill do that 2 then, i want another betta, and i my brother spent like $6 on somekind a pleco, i think its a bristle nose, and he owes me alot because i bought him all his first fish and that stuff, so ill that money will beable to buy another betta and a bowl for it, a big bowl though, not a small 1.
they have to need a way to tell if its really dead I'm sure
actually i returned a guppie and it was in foil, and they just put it in the garbage. they dont even know if a fish was in it, they just say, ok and throw it out.
PetSmart has a 14day return policy.

I'd LMFAO if I saw someone get caught trying to pull that little scam. :rofl:
i think the people at my walmart are to stupid to know what a scam is, some of them cant even speak english.
yea, Walmart does have a return policy. It is eather 3 days or 1 week. Not very long-too long for your fish that has been a month. At for the checking thing. I think it all depends on the associate you get. Mine did check what kind of fish I was (but I brought mine back alive).
oh, mine were dead, im supprised they took back the dead guppy that was lbought 3weeks prior to the return date.
I switched my dead angel fish for another even though he was past the warranty. I had another Angel so I just took the receipt and........ Heheh.
3 days...

Once at petsmart our filter borke and we didnt bring it but we told them and they just gave us another one and told us to bring our old one by another time... :lol:
Strange things happen at some of these stores. The official policy is 3 days for Wal-Mart with the receipt. It even says so on the bag. I bought my frogs from there a few weeks ago so I remember. And PetCo is 15 days with a receipt as well.

Both stores also technically require the dead fish brought back for refunds or exchanges though as someone above said, some of the employees are better than others at doing their job of actually looking.

Plus, they might not know a swordtail from a fantail so you might be able to pull that switch on them though I think you get what you pay for if you buy fish at Wal-Mart. I've bought fish there before but I took full precautions in keeping them quarantined and had no expectations. The frogs aren't so bad. They're hardier than the fish and usually in better shape though underfed.
all my fish from walmart were great, they all got killed by a molly so thats why they died.
do you think my walmart will take back a male betta that i didn't even get from their store (i got it from petsmart) without a recepit? :D

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