What was your first fish?

my first fish were (duh) black neon tetras, which r still here thank god! i cycled with them cause i didnt do me research! still alive tho!! :D :D
My first fish were three fancy guppies (my mother had had some bettas before and some goldfish before I could remember but they were not my endevours)

The first fish I researched was my glofish (which sadly has started to lose her color)

I still have the glo-fish and my grandmother has the guppy (that survived out of the trio I started with) and a trio of descendants none of which I can take because my dwarf puffer would shred them.
First fish I owned was 2 dyed white skirt tetras given to me as a present by my b/f
First fish i did research on was Guppies
I still own one of the original white skirts(2yrs old and tough like a brick) and I've added 6 more but non-dyed white skirts :)
First ever fish.....6 platies, 6 neon tetras and 6 glolight tetras into a 30gall tank that had been setup for 3 days.... :unsure: I knew nothing about cycling back then....

I still have 3/6 of the platies, 5/6 of the neons and 2/6 of the glolights....bot bad considering the ammonia got to 10ppm and the nitrite got to 20ppm!!!

Bad me....
Three black lyre-tailed mollies. Only two months ago. Did research on the whole thing. Cycling, food, favourable conditions etc. They went through the cycle and are breeding, livebearers aye. Now I have added more fish (see sig) and they're all doing well. I know it's early but I feel proud that I have done it the "right way". This forum has been my first port of call for all my information so far and has not let me down. :D
my frist fish was a goldfish. the frist fish i looked up was a betta. i still have the same betta and still keep goldfish.
The first fish I had was 8 swordtail fry.
The first fish I did reaserch on was the guppy.
I have one swordtail fry left (the rest died) I figured out it was a she and named her Survivour ^__^
My very first fish were platies.. I had two orange ones with black tails ..
Yes i did my research on them . Just wasnt prepared for the fact that two females could turn out so many babies without a male in sight !! and continue to do so for some time..i thought i had the baby angle covered .no males allowed ! of course they were pregnant when i got them...It was exciting to have the babies at the time though .
And no i dont keep platies or livebearers anymore.
My First Fish was A Goldfish from the Fair In Banbury.

The first fish I researched was the Betta

And I still have a goldfish Outside.
Im not gonna count the goldfish I had when I was little, because I dont even remember his name, and the lfs sold me a little bowl, and he only lived for like 3 weeks. So My real first fish were a red devil, some angels, a bunch of neons and some plecos. (not in the same tanks.) We inherited them all around the same time. We still have 1 angel and all 3 plecs. One is like a foot long now. Finnally the first fish I did research on are the ones in my sig. (excluding the adult angel )
my first fish was a comet called Jenny when I was about 6 :D

the first fish I researched were angel fish, never bought any though.
My first fish was one of my dads that he said I could call mine when I was about 5. It was a large angelfish whose middle stripe looked like an exclamation mark. Funny what you remember :)
He also had a pair of huge yellow severums about the same time but he says they were a bit of a pain in the bum for picking on each other :/
First fish was a goldfish, off a fairground in Newark if I remember rightly, put it in an old washing up bowl as I didn't have a tank! >.<

I've owned several goldfish since then, but no real reasearch done.

First fish I researched was when I started keeping tropicals about 3 years ago, and I got 5 guppies to put in my first tank.
My first fish was a goldfish from a fair.
I winged and winged until my parents bought me a bigger tank for him, only it turned out to be a tropical tank and mr goldfish went to a pond, and i started keeping tropicals. My first tropical fish was a sailfin molly, who didn't last long at all.
i am not counting the goldfish when i was little because i didn't know anything about fish keeping then, poor little goldfish in tiny bowl.
i count Livingston my first red betta, first one i bought and kept on my own he was my college room mate for a semester until he passed away.

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