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  1. W

    When Going On Vacation?

    Have a great time!
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    Can Anyone Help Me...please

    This is not an easy task and I'm sorry for the problems. I am unaware of the situation but went through one somewhere else a few days ago. It wasn't so much as a discrediting thing, but a bad post on my part about an old fish. Need I say more? Anyway, I was working on something and someone...
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    New Weekly "off Topic" Topic No. 29 (27/08/12)

    I'd be more apt to give than take. I can afford 20 bucks, and that's the limit. I like being happy. As for low income, if you're not used to it, it's tough. I am low income. Won't say how much, but I work 3 days a week. However, I live with my mom and don't have the bills. My only bills are...
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    Update On My Planted Tank (Pics+Green Killing Machine)

    The path makes the whole tank.
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    My 125G Tank

    This is the before picture. It is a composite to show the full 6 foot tank. The first think you notice is the algae on the back and left side glass. I left that there. It is a valuable food source for the loach, redtail shark, flying foxes and even the Dennison barbs feast on the algae. I...
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    My 125G Tank

    Thank you I appreciate the compliment. I'm new to this part of fish keeping, but am catching on fast. The first thing I came across was algae bloom start at 5ppm phosphate and I became OCD with It. Bought the test kit(s) and then the pad. So glad I found one "now". I'd hate to be waiting...
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    Lots Of Algae, And No Ideas

    Thanks for the picture. 1. Remove as much of the algae as you can 2. Test the water for Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia 3. Convert PO4 to P 4. Convert NO3 to N NO3/10 Example 200ppm(NO3)/10=20ppm N 5. Find the ratio of...
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    Algae Issues And Salt

    If you have a propagation tank or clone room, moving the plants out of the main tank is a solid idea.
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    Root Tab Question

    I don't think it would cause a lot of harm but I've never tried it. One of the main sources of food for the roots of plants is, oxygen. The roots take up oxygen, sugars and minerals and with light respire CO2. They do make a product that feeds plants above the roots. I have not tried it. My...
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    Fluorescent Bulb In Any Lamp? Help

    CFL's grow plant very well in the aquarium and out. They will run warmer than fluorescent tubes and should be elevated a bit to protect your top glass from the heat given out by the ballast. Also be aware that you should not hang any electrical bulbs over an unprotected tank. The odds of the...
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    Plant Fertilizer List

    What's in your inventory? I went through my plant nutrients to check for contents. I removed the one Nutafin bottle that had .15% N. I don't need any more N because the water parameters for my fish recommend N at 80-60ppm and I have a good supply in the water column. I think I'll add some to...
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    New Rock Frm Market....need Help!

    The rocks are find and should look nice underwater. Before using you should scrub those rocks with a brush from the 99 cent store to remove dirt, debris. I also suggest cleaning with bleach to kill pathogens and bacteria. Please remember to thoroughly rinse with clean water as I wouldn't want...
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    Led For Underwater

    I've seen the LED lights being used underwater, but I think they are for decoration. They are generally multicolored.
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    First Planted Tank

    Low Light plant system 1 watt per gallon. Medium light system 2 watts per gallon. High light system 3+ watts per gallon. I looked up the light you want to use and could not find watts but the site did say it was comparable to a Fluorescent tube. I did however find that the Lumen output is...
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    My 125G Tank

    8/29/2012 Water Test Ph 7.5 GH 180 KH 120 Nitrate .5 Nitrate 160 Phosphate 1 Ammonia 0 Last night I clean the Marineland 350 filter leave the EX70 alone to keep filtering the water and remove phosphate The filter was not that dirty. I rinsed the carbon filter, cleaned the impeller, intake...
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    My 125G Tank

    I got an email from someone that works in water management of lakes and rivers. He tried explaining things and from what he said, my biological filter is lacking “Heterotrophic” bacteria to breakdown the nitrates to release nitrogen into the atmosphere. Further research may suggest my...
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    Upgraded To A River Reef 94L - Plants/decor Advice?

    The three basic filter media are mechanical, biological and chemical. The coarse and fine foam will removed large and small solids. Placement in the filter depends on how the water enters the filter and then filtered. You want the water to go through the coarse foam first to catch large...
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    My 125G Tank

    Here is the water test for 8/28/2012. Ph 7.5 GH 180 KH 120 Ammonia 0 nitrite .5 nitrate 200 Phosphate 2.0 My Tap Water: Ph 7.5 GH 60 KH 80 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Phosphate .5 Today's test was verified by my mother. and we came up with the same results. As for the sharp changes in...
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    Me Feeding A Tiger

    Very cool! Not something every has a chance to do.
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    Water Changes

    You might want to invest into a python. They can be pricey, but makes the water changes easy and a bit cleaner. They work with your faucet by using suction and empty out into the sink. There are generic brands. I have a 50 foot "Ultimate Gravel Vac". It was only $35.00. I may be lucky...
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    I work at home as a delivery guy. I get paid to sit by my phone and wait for it to ring. I...

    I work at home as a delivery guy. I get paid to sit by my phone and wait for it to ring. I enjoy traveling and try to get out a few times per year. I love the National Parks and Las Vegas. I currently have 2 trips planned. Yellowstone for New Years and Rio, Las Vegas in March for March Madness.
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    Question About New Rainbowfish.

    Male Bosemani Rainbow fish are blue in the face and yellow at the tail. The female Bosemani are kind of brown and tan with some black scales. They are about the easier rainbow fish to sex. In general male rainbow fish have a high arch back while the female are more torpedo shaped. I can tell...
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    Flying Foxes

    I have 2 of them and they are aggressive with each other. The dominate one chases the subordinate one usually into a corner. They don't actually fight where they injure. The fish tend to graze and that's what they argue over. They do not bother the other fish in the tank. My red tail shark...
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    Barb Id

    Diamond Rosy Barb. You can see a picture at Yahoo "images". I am not certain, but I checked my source and they didn't have it listed. However when I search the images for "Golden Polka-Dot Barb", a picture of the Diamond Rosy Barb. It has a dark spot near the tail, and a red spot under or...
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    My 125G Tank

    I have a 125 Gallon Fish Tank that's 20 months old. It's moderately planted with over 50 plants. Most of them 1 week new. Over the summer the heat wave kept my tank over 90 degrees and the 3 days without power injured my biological filter. One day I spend 6 hours changing the water adding...
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    10 Gallon Tank Needs Equipment

    I can help with building a stand. The light fixtures I've made work well for growing plant. Unless you can scrounge around the basement or garage for an old lamp with cord and socket, buying a new one is cheaper. Using a CFL bulb or two you can make a reflector as CFL's are not nearly as hot...
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    Too Much?

    You can't have too much filtration, but you can have too much water flow. The longer amount of time the water interacts with the filter media, the cleaner the return water outflow will be. A 70 gallon filter in a 36 gallon aquarium was the better choice for so many reasons. Overtime all...
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    Intake Tube Depth

    Depending on the substrate media, an intake tube can be as close as 2 inches from the media. I would suggest keeping the intake tube a little higher than 2 inches to prevent uptake of tiny stone and silicates from sand as they may damage the impeller. In my 24 inch deep tank the intake tube is...
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    Marineland Penguin 150 Media Question

    Yes the filter will run fine regardless of the media you choose to put in there. However you should use media that acts as a mechanical filter, a chemical filter and a biological filter to better insure that the water is clear and clean of high levels of toxins such as nitrites, ammonia and...
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    Help Needed

    Alcohol will not melt silicon. It should not be the cause of any leak in the future. You should check for any tiny glass shrapnel to prevent the fish from finding it and eating it. Also, it could be a hazard for you when you have your hand in the tank.
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    Angelfish Laying Eggs On Side Glass Of 125G Tank

    This is the second time I've caught my angelfish laying eggs in the tank. The first time, the eggs were gone in the morning. They were deposited on an Amazon Sword leave and could have been removed easy. This time, they're in the glass. I was thinking of hanging a breeder net over the eggs...
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    Meet The Plant People!

    Super looking tanks and fish there... I have a new resident. Tropeus, Dubosi. Just one juvenile. I'm thinking about getting a 1-2 more from a different Big Box Pet Shop. The one I have seems to have settled in. The red rainbow fish showed the most interest, but so far the fish has found...
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    Boesmani Rainbowfish Mouth Fungus

    Is this fungus on the mouth or near the gills? I've had this fish for nearly 2 years and 1/2 of them have had a creamy lump on the body. In once case it went away without any treatment. The current situation is with a small male and the lump is above the gill, behind the eye.
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    Low Tech 65 Gallon Help

    Make sure you really want the tank where it is. Once full, you're looking at 600 pounds. On a positive note, the tank can be moved with help once the water level and the weight is lowered. Setting up a tank is a life time enjoyment. Take your time and get the most out of it.
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    Anybody Got Any Horror Stories?

    Back in 1996 I had a 58g Ocenaic. I was busy. I left the tank for several month and when I tore it down I had a Jack Dempsy, I named monster. I guess you had to see it. No food for 3 months.
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    Worried About My Stand

    Remove the top drawer and see if the tank edges land on a support bracket. If not, see if you can adjust the tank to rest on cross members. You can always modify the dresser with support and open a shelf for your foods, chemicals and accessories. Most store bought stands do not have top panels.
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    55 Gal Fish Tank

    One of the box pet stores in US has a 1/4ly sale 55g tank will cost 55 bucks. I picked up both Emporor 400 and the EX70 I use in a 125g tank for less than 50 bucks each.
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    Live Plants ?

    I add that they sell packs of bulb plants that you can search through and buy the box with the most bulbs for 4 bucks. If you get 4 plants, that's a buck each. And save the sales slip. If any of the bulbs don't grow, you can send them to the MFG. and gett free replacements.
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    55 Gal Filter

    I've heard bad things about under gravel filters. Should the power head or air pump breakdown, your bacteria colony will die and the conditions could kill all your fish while you are at work. Almost any bio-wheel filter 70 gallons and up will keep the water crystal clean.
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    Permanent Residents For A 20 Gallon Hexagon?

    The calculator I used or the numbers I used came up with 35 gallons. That's like 30 inches of fish. I don't know small schooling fish. However, there are many 4 inch fish the school. I was 1st thinking a King Better or the Dragon scale betta would be a cool centerpiece fish, then I did the...