When Going On Vacation?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2012
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Hey. I didn't know where I should post this so I thought the General Chat would be alright..

Anyways, I am going on a cruise very soon for about 10 days or so. I am really worried about my fish. I have a black molly and a fancy guppy.

I was thinking of getting one of those dissolve fish feeder things, and I was looking at reviews of the Top Fin product on the pet smart website.

The reviews were pretty good, but I'm still worried. I am going to ask a friend to come and check on my fish while I'm gone just in case, but should I buy these dissolving feeders?

Please share your experience with one?
I used on of those when i went away for 14 days and all my fish surivived and looked fine when i got home but those do make your tank water pretty nasty so if you use one you will need to do a decent sized water change when you get back and fish out whatever is left of the feeder.
Just get you friend to feed your fish every 3rd day portion it out for them so they know how much goes in.
The holiday blocks are not great IMO and can send your water quality off the chart.
Your fish will be fine getting fed every couple of days instead of being bombarded with constant food
They are tough little creatures
Better to be safe than sorry

Just get you friend to feed your fish every 3rd day portion it out for them so they know how much goes in.
The holiday blocks are not great IMO and can send your water quality off the chart.
Your fish will be fine getting fed every couple of days instead of being bombarded with constant food
They are tough little creatures
Better to be safe than sorry


Okay! thank you, I'll ask her if she can. If not I will probably have to use one of them :< I'm sure she can though, she understands how much they mean to me.
just put the food in a baggie and label each baggie with the date it should be put in the tank, if she can't do that then as a last resort use the feeder tabelt but as me and Box both said it will mess your water up so when you get back you would need to do a large water change.
If you can't get a friend to do it just feed as normal before you go then wait untill you get back to feed again, don't risk using the blocks there nasty. A healthy fish should be fine for 10days without food. even when i go away for 14 days i don't arrange any feeding. Only thing i've ever lost doing it this way was some fry but thats because they need fed alot.
Thank you very much! I am almost positive that she will feed them for me, and every 2 or 3 days doesn't seem like such a hassle for her. I don't think I'll need bags, she watches me feed them all the time :)

Like you said, if they mess up the water its probably better not to use those tablets. I mean my water has been nearly perfect for a while and I don't really want to mess that up.
the advice to not use a feeder block is sound.
Just follow the above advice as it is within reason.
Worst case 10 days inst alot to a cold blooded animal, would likely find trim but alive fish on your return without any feedings.
My fiancée and I are going away to Plymouth to see her family for a week at the end of October. I was considering just doing a water change the night before I leave and letting them go without food for the week, but maybe I'll make two food-bags up for my mum to throw in when she feeds the cats.

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