New Weekly "off Topic" Topic No. 29 (27/08/12)

Ludwig Venter

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Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I recently visited my best friend from school whom I had not seen or had contact with for the past 42 years.....

He comes from an upclass family (his Dad being mayor of our town, brother attorney and sister professional violinist in a classical orchestra)......Yet, George is a squatter on the beach in a shack he built for himself from zink and asbestos sheets he collected from here & there and living like a hermit beach bum from "donations" - (as he prefers to call it) which he gets from tourists to pose on photos with him and showing them his collection of (I call it rubbish) which he picked up on the beach and claims that they are washed up artifacts from sunken ships from the early 18th century....

I spent only 3 days(in a guest house adjacent to his shack and had him over every night for a bbq and a few other "refreshments" etc, and every night he would go back to his shack and take whatever was left over from the day's bbq with him.....

On the day we departed.... I gave him a cash "donation" and where I felt very uncomfortable in giving him money.... he had no problem at all accepting it from me..... I must add here that George was by far a better performer at school than I was (always getting the better marks) and he had everything going for him....(he is a qualified Gourmet cheff and is also a licenced deep sea diver - diving for diamonds)... but he prefers this lifestyle....

Just for those interested to look it up.... here is a link to the site where I have also sent in some photos about our re-union after 42 years. (also read the comments below the photos in this link)

This week.... I have two questions which stems from the little scenario above...

1. Would you feel comfortable to accept (or give) money to an old friend....?
2. Is it better to do what you enjoy doing at low income or doing a job you hate to do with a large remuneration?
1/- No, I wouldn't feel at all ok accepting money off somebody that I used to know (yes... im sitting here humming that song now....) and to be honest, i'm not sure I would give them money either but... it honestly depends on the situation I think!

2/- Its all down to personal choice, I have always watched my dad work at what he was good at, whether he enjoyed it or not and it has always eaten away at him. Me? I sell fish and deal with complete idiots, really rude people and people who couldnt care less if they are murdering fish because they can just buy more. Its not a rewarding job at all financially, in fact, its downright embarrassing... but i'm there because i love working with fish... or animals in general.

Personally, I couldnt mentally cope with doing a job I honestly hated, I would end up in a spiralling pit of depression. I cant spend so much time in an unhappy environment.
If I had it, I'd feel happy giving it but I'm not sure about accepting it. I guess would if I was badly stuck but only if I was sure I could pay it back!
I definately feel you should do what makes you happy as opposed to doing a job you hate. This is easily said though. Your friend is content living on the beach with very little and that's great if he's happy. Most people hate their jobs but need to make a living. Some people have no interest in material things. Personally, I'd miss my telly!
1. I feel uncomfortable accepting money from anyone that way but I don't feel uncomfortable giving money, strange.

2. I think which ever makes you most happy is the way forward, money can't buy you happiness but it can help in some situations.
1, I dont regard money as highly as most, and would have no problem giving or receiving money if it is "Needed" by the person who it is being given to.

2, I would prefer to do what I enjoy doing for a low income over doing a job that I hate for a huge salary.

I dont and will NEVER alow money to dictate what I do with my life.
Far to many lives are destroyed because of money, and to me this is quite sad.
I'd be more apt to give than take. I can afford 20 bucks, and that's the limit.

I like being happy. As for low income, if you're not used to it, it's tough.
I am low income. Won't say how much, but I work 3 days a week.
However, I live with my mom and don't have the bills.
My only bills are my two credit cards, my soda and sometimes food.
If he was happy to take the money, and you were happy to give it. No problem.

When I was at school, and about to go into University (late 1980's), I was contemplating doing a science degree - biochmistry, microbiology or something like that.
Whoever I spoke to said that there is no money in that, and I would struggle to support myself and a family eventually.
So, instead, I did a accountancy degree. I have a really decent earning job, but to be honest, I get little job satisfaction, and don't enjoy it at all.
I have often thought to myself, what would have happened if I would have followed my heart and chosen the career I really wanted to.
The conclusion I have come to is that iniitally, I may well have enjoyed it a lot. But I think that the financial constraints would have got to me and I would have been resentful of my work because of that. So at least this way I am financially secure (more or less).
Catch 22. And maybe a sad reflection of the world we live in.
Well, for #1, I would rather eat a bucket of manure than take charity. When I have to, as I am responsible for more than myself, I keep tabs to repay it. To quote Cyrano de Begerac 'In a word I am too proud to be a parasite.'.
As for giving money, I am very selective. Individuals, even if I know them, normaly no. But they can do some service to earn it. If an organized charity, I investigate. If at least 80 cents of every dollar don't go to the purpose of said charity, and not administration, you get nothing from me. If the charity goes political, no money from me.

#2 After two layoffs in two years, I am presently working in a job I hate, but I have bills to pay. So I will do it until I get a job I like.
Also Confucius saying of do something you love, and you will never work a day in your life. What a load of hogwash. I love landscaping, and at times it has been nothing but hard work. Moving railroad ties or pallets of stone by hand to the back of a house, or digging a waterfall and pond by hand. And let me tell you, customers will drop you to save a fiver, especially in maintinance. So you won't get rich, but it comes down to personal preference.
1. I never feel comfortable getting money from even a family member, let alone an old friend. I don't offer that easily either to be fair, unless they heed the usually unwanted advice that should come with it. I have an older brother that never follows the advice but he's always so "needy."

2. Of course I'd rather have a job doing what I love but in the end, I work for money - plain & simple. Fringe benefits are great but the dollar signs dictate where I'll work in the end.

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