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  1. F

    Nasty Female

    Bettas can be very nasty to eachother! You need one tank each... That is what I always do for mine because I hate to have injured fish or ill fish!
  2. F

    My Guppy Has A Tumor?

    All living things have their own time of death... I would let her live her last moments with happiness. I had the same thing happen with my abino catfish. Let her have a happy death... Everyone deserves one!
  3. F

    Recommended Plants For My Set Up?

    You might want to try moss... It supposively stops algae growth, and is possible to grow on wood. I've heard this from a LFS but I haven't tried this... I did not have a problem with pH. I usually use artifical plants because I am more fond of them than I am living plants. They do not require...
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    Should I Get Panda Cories?

    I just decided to give cory fish a try with my breeding business! But right now, one of my cory fish isn't normal for some reason... I guess we'll find out in the next couple days... But cory fish are not aggressive. I have not tried it... But there are mixed sources that say yes and some that...
  5. F

    Corydoras Emergency!

    She lost the red spot within a minute... And I am sorry for the word pregnant (it is what usualy say) :lol: But like she is heavier on one said than she is on the other. She keeps swimming around the tank and when she stays still her tail fin goes up almost drifting... Is she going to bare eggs...
  6. F

    Corydoras Emergency!

    I am not too familar with this kind of fish... Introducing the offspring if having any... But she is fat along the ridges... She is a female. I have a whole group of corydoras. And she has a raised red dot under her stomache... She is alive & looking around but if still, the tail raises and she...
  7. F

    Oscar Not Eating

    You might have to experiment with these ideas... Okay? -Try feeding live shrimp or a live type of worm... I forget what kind... -Put him in a "Hospital Tank" and try feeding a couple times a day to see if he will eat...
  8. F

    Help This Is An Emergencies

    -First of all, Lil Fishie, I love your signature! -Second of all, Guppies & Bettas have a great tendancy to point out the weakest link in the tank... This means they may peck at them, or even kill them... Usually, The weakest fish will be the first to die. So, please be aware of that...
  9. F

    Whats Wrong With My Female Guppy

    All guppies have a different way of coping with pain. I deal with this alot because I breed guppies the most out of all my other fish. When a female pregnant guppy is giving birth it can most likely sit at the bottom, be alone, or in any way act differently. There is always a possibility that...
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    Pregnent Guppie

    Some guppies can take longer to deliver their young. This depends on genetics. This is not rare but is not common. This means, that her young may have a chance to delver late aswell. Good Luck Fellow Fish Friend!~ :fish: *Deliver
  11. F

    When Will My Guppy Give Birth?

    I see two female pregnant guppies... Which one?
  12. F

    Corys Vs Red Tail Black Shark?

    I had both the corys and the shark in my tank before. It wasn't aggressive towards anyone that I am aware of...
  13. F

    Look What I Found...

    Thanks for sharing! This should help many users!!! :good:
  14. F

    Betta Success With Guppies?

    If I were you, I would have put the Betta in a fish bowl then left the Guppies alone. This is because the Betta will show aggression at times to other fish, and potentially eat the Fancy Guppies' fry.
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    Do Fry Ever Come Out Of Hiding?

    Like, right now it seems like there will not be a full drop. Unless all the sudden she got completely huge... But I hope there is alot for you! :good:
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    Platy Showing Belly...

    Also, other males or any type of fish pick out the weakest links. Are you feeding them enough? That could be an issue...
  17. F

    Platy Showing Belly...

    Some type of disease or sickness is in s/he... I had that except with a green female guppy. She ended up dying. Also, I have another one like that... I think it is just their time to go. I know the current one is due to old age. She has never bee the same since the last fry dropping. But that is...
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    There might be some tank aggression... I may be wrong. But this is a guess of mine from experience. :)
  19. F

    Sunset Platy, Pregnant, Fat, Sick?

    I would say she is about...25 days into pregnancy. At any moment she could drop. That is usual behavior for some pregnant fish. Especially platys. I see a little bit of a square shape... Which means she is almost finished and will drop within a day or two or three. Hope this helps! :good:
  20. F

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    It's hard to tell... It would really help if there was a photograph... It depends if she's lively, or slow, or whatever. You know what I mean? Like I guess if she was sick she would be acting weird. But the way that the male is chasing after her is for mating reasons, or if she's pregnant...