Oscar Not Eating


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
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8" Albino Oscar raised from baby in a 70 gallon tank with 2 plecostamus. He does not seem to be eating. 2 different types of pellets and frozen shrimp which he used to love. I do 30% water changes with RO water once a week. He seems healthy but has not eaten anything for at least 2 weeks.
You might have to experiment with these ideas... Okay?

-Try feeding live shrimp or a live type of worm... I forget what kind...
-Put him in a "Hospital Tank" and try feeding a couple times a day to see if he will eat

When I tried either of these methods, I got really good outcome... Usually, there may be
rivallry between other fish to may be the cause to stop eating. Or something else. I never
ask what it is usually... I just ask what I can do to heal or fix the fish's problems. And
if I was in your position, I would be doing the same thing. I imagine you care for your fish
like I do... But those are my suggestions. I hope this helps! :fish:

Take Care!!!
Are you mixing the RO back with tap water? What is your pH and KH? Have either of those changed any time recently?

What are your water parameters?
They have always been in pure RO water. Never tap water. He is 3 years old in the same tank with the same tankmates. Nothing has changed.
They have always been in pure RO water. Never tap water. He is 3 years old in the same tank with the same tankmates. Nothing has changed.
Still, post the water parameters.
I know he is used to it now, but it seems an expensive way to keep an Oscar as they're some of the least fussy fish available as long as the extremes are avoided. Have you tried live food actually wriggling in front of him such as a small piece of earthworm?
RO water made my GT like a zombie, once i switched back to tap water he perked well up.
oscars are well know for sulking. mine sulked for about a month, hardly ate and didnt really move much and to be honest i thought his days were up but out of the blue he started to eat his normal food again. so my advice is if nothing obvious is wrong then just be patient. maybe try an earth worm as ive never known an oscar not to go for a juicy worm, it might just work :good:

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