Corys Vs Red Tail Black Shark?


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
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I am in the process of setting up my 120l tank - I'm having a tank of tiger barbs (original, green & albino) - however I really want to get my two favourite fish:

4 Corys & 1 red tailed black shark.

I understand they are both labelled as bottom feeders... does this mean they can't live together happily? Will they compete? I am aware of troubles with RTBS...

A 120l is too small for RTBS anyway; they need at least a four foot tank.
Great, a simple straight up answer. Decision made!! Thank you. x
120l is too small for the Red Tailed Black Shark. Also if your going to get corys you should get at least 6 of them. Corys also prefer sand substrate over gravel.
It's nice when that happens, isn't it?!
Can I get different types of Corys? Will they still group together? I'm a fan of Panda's but maybe with 6 it would be nice to have others too?
I've been asking this question.

3 people said so far I could get albino with my bronze cory.
Oh yeah I just saw your topic post... sounds good to me.
I've been asking this question.

3 people said so far I could get albino with my bronze cory.

Albino and bronze will shoal together because they are different coloured versions of the same species (like orange/green/albino tiger barbs) but all the other types eg pandas are different species, so it's best to keep them with a decent number of their own kind.
I've been asking this question.

3 people said so far I could get albino with my bronze cory.
If they're both aeneus family,then they will shoal/breed together quite happily if they want :) They're just different colour variations :good:
I've been asking this question.

3 people said so far I could get albino with my bronze cory.

Albino and bronze will shoal together because they are different coloured versions of the same species (like orange/green/albino tiger barbs) but all the other types eg pandas are different species, so it's best to keep them with a decent number of their own kind.


Basically if you want panda corys than get 6 of them. If you want a bronze cory than the albinos will school with them.

Just a post to sum it all up. ;)
I had both the corys and the shark in my tank before. It wasn't aggressive towards anyone that I am aware of...

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