My Guppy Has A Tumor?


New Member
Aug 22, 2011
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I just got back after a 2 week holiday to find that my beautiful female guppy has what seems like a giant tumor on her side. I know it wasnt there when I left and the fish sitter didnt tell me that anything was wrong in her daily updates. I'm really worried here. I've isolated her in the hospital tank and she still seems perky and alert but I dont wanna risk my other fish. Should I let nature take its course so humanely euthanise her?
All living things have their own time of death... I would let her live her last moments with happiness. I had the same thing happen with my abino catfish. Let her have a happy death... Everyone deserves one!

The above is a bit drastic, without trying to address the issue. Could turn out to be something treatable. No use condemning an animal if we haven't done all we could?! :/

Any chance you can get some pictures up Azzy? Would be good if we could see the issue.

Some water test results might be handy also. Anything changed recently? New plants or fish?


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