Recommended Plants For My Set Up?


New Member
Aug 13, 2011
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I'm thinking about putting more plants in my aquarium. I have a 55 gal/210 liter tank with silica sand substrate. I have a few Java Ferns currently, and I got those because the guy at my LFS said they were low maintenance. I don't have a spectacular lighting set up or anything, just two T8 15 watt flourescent bulbs, one in soft white one in cool white. Are there any other plants that are recommended for my set up?

I'd like something that can grow on wood. I ordered a large piece of driftwood that should be arriving soon. Also anything that might slightly lower the pH of my water is welcome, currently pH is 8-8.2 which is a little high.

Thank you!!
You might want to try moss... It supposively stops algae growth, and is possible to grow on wood. I've heard this from a LFS but I haven't tried this... I did not have a problem with pH. I usually use artifical plants because I am more fond of them than I am living plants. They do not require maintenance. Well, they do require algae scrubbing but all plants do that pretty much...

Good Luck! :fish: ~

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