Do Fry Ever Come Out Of Hiding?


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
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The other day i noticed a few fry popping out every so often beneath the rocks (still not too sure what fish they are from, i reckon the guppies but then the guppies still hav a big black gravid spot so i dunno!) i have been trying to look for them again today and i just cant see any. USually after an hour of just staring at my tank i may see one pop out and then wizz back inbetween the stones. My question is, does fry usually just hide non stop inbetween the rocks/plants etc or do you think they are most likely in fish heaven now?
Fry hide until they know they are big enough to hopefully not get eaten by other fish. They may be hiding more because you're checking out the tank more than usual and it's possibly scaring them. All you can do is wait and see, hopefully a few make it.
It's always taken my guppies a few days to come out. I have one that is about a week old who has just become brave enough to swim about the thank. I'm still hoping my second set will appear soon. Momma Guppy hasn't been pregnant for a few days now...
I guess all fry have different personalities... Just like humans! But if they feel threatened by the larger fish, they will stay in hiding till they're ready.
Cheers from the replys!

Hope you guys are right, still havn't seen one. I have my doubts now. Cheers.
In my tank, I usually see fry swimming out when they're around a week old, but this is probably only because I kinda want them to get eaten and so provide few hiding spaces. If you want them to survive, just put in as much cover as possible and hopefully they should make it through until they're small enough not to be eaten. :good:

They're really interesting though. I reckon my endlers have crossbred with my mollies. They have really pretty tail markings :D
Well another guppy of mine dropped today! I wasn't there to see it though :(. Other half text me all excited and said she saw about 10-15 all on one leaf together! I then come home at 5.30 stare at the tank for half hour finally see one.. Then it gets eaten :(. I was Like "Yayayaya..... Ohh... :("

Here it was (see if you can spot it!!)...

I am guessing my other lot (still really unsure what fry they were) all died or/and got eaten. Though my tank has more than enough hiding spaces now, so i hope one will surive from this big mamma: (that was a a few days ago, bit bigger now!)
Like, right now it seems like there will not be a full drop. Unless all the sudden she got completely huge... But I hope there is alot for you! :good:
Next time you could think about maybe getting a breeding net or trap.
Put them in when she is about to give birth and take her out when she's finished, that might save some ;)
Yeah dont like the breeding trap though, i mean i guess the stronger ones will surive anyway, like only come out of hiding when big enough, live off what food they can find etc, ill keep an eye on em..

But yesterday i managed to get this picture of one of the fry:

Then i got this one aswell, who looked to be a little bit bigger? Though because it was a bit further away i couldnt really tell, so maybe this one is the weekish old one from the last batch?
Do you have plenty of cover at the top of the tank? Most livebearer fry spend a lot of time at the water suface in the first few days/weeks.
I have no cover at the top of the tank what so ever, i mean i could put in a bit of java moss up there but it would just keeep goin round and round due to the filter and itwould annoy me
I never see the fry that are still in my 40gallon tank with the adults. One of them is starting to be brave. I managed to save 17 babies from a possible fate of being eaten and moved them to their own tank, and all the fry that are in my fry tank are very active and out all of the time. It really depends on whether or not there is a threat.

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