Platy Showing Belly...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2011
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Orange, Texas USA
I have 4 male platys in a 10 gallon tank(shortly moving them to 28 gallon). I know I shouldn't have done this, but I'm fairly new to the hobby and didn't want fry because my wife would have cried if she saw babies eaten and I didn't want to rear any. They started out fine together, but now the two largest platys have distanced themselves from the others and are more aggressive towards the other 2. The smallest guy now stays to himself mainly and is staying in one spot a lot. I found him today at the bottom of the tank behind the driftwood just staying in one place. His dorsal fin used to be spread, but within the last couple weeks I've noticed it is dropped most of the time. Especially the past few days he's not very active and keeps to himself with his dorsal fin down. I figured it was just a sign of submission at first, but now that he's not swimming much, I'm not sure. He's also doing this weird thing by turning on his side when another platy comes around and shows his belly to them. They'll kinda pick at his belly quickly then he'll either stop or they'll stop and swim away. Otherwise he swims fine. I was worried he was getting swim bladder disease, but he seems to swim fine any other time. It really seems intentional. A sign of submission maybe? He also isn't eating as well it seems. When he does go for the food he spits a lot of it back out. I've been trying to feed some thawed green peas once or twice a week for a laxative, but it hasn't helped. Is he maybe just stressed from being cooped up with the other aggressive fish? If so, should I expect it to improve when I move them into the larger tank?
Some type of disease or sickness is in s/he... I had that except with a green female guppy. She ended up dying. Also, I have another one like that... I think it is just their time to go. I know the current one is due to old age. She has never bee the same since the last fry dropping. But that is normal for a guppy or platy's first dropping. Some may die. It is a chance. Hope this helps! :good:
Some type of disease or sickness is in s/he... I had that except with a green female guppy. She ended up dying. Also, I have another one like that... I think it is just their time to go. I know the current one is due to old age. She has never bee the same since the last fry dropping. But that is normal for a guppy or platy's first dropping. Some may die. It is a chance. Hope this helps! :good:

It shouldn't be his time to go at all....I haven't had him but about a month, if that. He's a very young fish, not even fully grown yet.
Also, other males or any type of fish pick out the weakest links. Are you feeding them enough? That could be an issue...
Also, other males or any type of fish pick out the weakest links. Are you feeding them enough? That could be an issue...

I had been feeding them plenty. In fact, too much I believe. I've actually cut down on feeding in the past few days because I realize that even though they were eating all their food I was overfeeding them. One platy eats so eagerly he was looking like he was pregnant after meals! There was no waste though. Either all the platys would eat the flakes, or the corys and shrimp would take care of the leftovers.
Well, he is not getting any better. In fact his belly is starting to sink in now, so I know he won't survive much longer. I don't have a quarantine tank to put him in so I guess the only humane thing to do would be to euthanize him. They have all been moved to the 28 gallon for about a week now and he's not getting any better. I think the others just picked on him so much that he lost his spirit. Poor little guy :sad:
I know how you feel. I've lost a male swordtail due to aggression as well. He was bullied and was always so scared. He actually seemed fine but he died in the end. I'm guessing his belly is sinking in because he's not eating?
I know how you feel. I've lost a male swordtail due to aggression as well. He was bullied and was always so scared. He actually seemed fine but he died in the end. I'm guessing his belly is sinking in because he's not eating?

Yeah, I believe so. He's such a handsome little fella too. : sad :
You moved all the fish to the 28 gallon? Couldn't you put the fish back in the 10 gallon until he gets better?

I'm going to set the 10 gallon back up temporarily on the kitchen cabinet today as a quarantine tank. I'm going to put him back in the 10G though. Not the other fish. They need the extra room. I'm selling the 10 gallon and my friend who is buying it will likely take him with the tank if he improves. The thing is to get him comfortable and to start eating.

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