Betta Success With Guppies?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2011
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Ok I have two question in this thread. One I was picking a betta at petsmart and found two that I really liked. One is a blue crown tail betta and it looked aggressive and it swims very strong, one is a red half-moon betta which is really small I Think its still young and swims slowly and lazily. So I picked the red one and when it got homed with my guppies, it doesnt flare, or bullied the guppies, in fact the mollies and guppies try to disturb him. Once that happen my betta just dash away without flaring. After their first meal today, the mollies and guppies don't seem to disturb the guy anymore, the mollies and guppies can swim closer to him now. But 90% of the time he hangs at the side of the aquarium or in a house decor, is he lonely? Should I do something about it?

Also was my choice of picking the red one over the more aggressive blue one correct?
No, he is probably not "lonely". Whether you can do anything about it depends on your set-up, describe it in detail and include a photo if possible.

There is no correct choice when picking fish for their apparent character. A placid fish is usually more likely to live non-aggressively with other fish.
Ok I will describe my tank, 20 gallon, heater, filter, one medium sized house decoration, 4 artificial plants, one small coral decoration, 2 orange mollies, 1 sunrise guppy, 1 guppy I can't remember the name, one half-moon red betta. And also youre saying if I picked the the blue betta then it would make no difference?
Watch the behavior of the guppies. They may not seem to be bothering him, but if they are, you may not see it. My Betta did the same thing when I had him in a community tank. Everything seemed well at first, but then he started hanging out in the decor and behind plants. Then I saw the guppies going after his fins. So definatly watch those guppies.
Betta's like to hang around the plants, they are having a rest when they do this, and it's very normal. He needs a cave where he can go as well if he wants away from the others. I think you made the right choice to go with your guppies. Although some would say a Betta can't live with guppies. But it's very much down the personality of the Betta. Keep a close eye over the next few days and be prepared to separate if needed. Good luck :good:
No.. I am saying exactly the opposite, that there would be a difference and the only way you can find out exactly what it would be is to go swap the red Betta for the blue one.

The Betta would probably be more comfortable if you added another 5-10 artificial silk plants or pots/bunches of live plants and some floating plants because these will make the Betta feel more secure, and thus, more confident.

By the way, mollies and guppies can cross breed and if a male molly breeds with a female guppy, the guppy will almost always die during birthing.. but I hope you have only males anyway because if there are the same number or fewer females than males in small groups of livebearers, it is common for the females to be harassed to death.
If I were you, I would have put the Betta in a fish bowl then left the Guppies alone. This is because the Betta will show aggression at times to other fish, and potentially eat the Fancy Guppies' fry.
Ok my tank right now Is all male, including the betta, at first I thought my betta would be bother by the guppies and flare at them and be the boss, but the guppies aren't even scared of him in fact my betta looks like it is avoiding my mollies and guppies by hiding behind my plants and my house decorations. Is it normal for my betta to not flare at guppies? I thought that bettas hate guppies because they look like other male bettas. My bettas is probably is still a baby so his age affect on his behavior?
At the end of the day SOME people have kept Betta's and Guppies together successfully. SOME people haven't managed to. It's up to you. I have a friend who has successfully kept Betta's and Guppies together with no problems.

m in fact my betta looks like it is avoiding my mollies and guppies by hiding behind my plants and my house decorations

Again as i've said, this is normal behaviour to hide/rest in plants for a Betta.
Like I said, keep an eye out. They may do just fine together, but as it was stated already it is all about the personality of the fish. My guppies were aggressive as all getout, and after i removed my betta, they were ganging up on my swordtails and platys. I had to take them back to the store. The betta never did flare at the guppies, not once and got along just fine with the platys and swordtails....i just had some evil, mafia guppies lol
Ok I will see to it that they are living happily, what are other fish that will go well in my aquarium? I have 2 orange mollies male, 2 guppies male, one red half-moon betta.
Ok I will see to it that they are living happily, what are other fish that will go well in my aquarium? I have 2 orange mollies male, 2 guppies male, one red half-moon betta.

Depends how big your tank is?

But I'd leave adding more just now till you've settled in your Betta :good:
I wouldn't add them together. Even if other people did have success doesn't mean you will. ;)

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