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  1. neonnewbie

    48Ltr (14Gallon?) Stocking Help

    Just a point about your tank size 45 litres is just under 10 gallon (uk) and just over 11 gallon (US) Just letting you know for reference :good: NN
  2. neonnewbie

    Carbon In Filter

    Thanks Caprichosa :good: NN
  3. neonnewbie

    Free - 3X Bogwood - Hull

    Im interested too I work in Hull monday to thursday but will be in a 40 ft truck so picking it up from your house maybe a problem lol As there is 3 of us maybe a bit each :) but will understand if thats not ok as the other guys posted first :good: Cheers NN
  4. neonnewbie

    What Do You Think To My Tank?

    Its look ing good m8 pop up a few other angled and full on pics and close up of the boat for us to have a gander at :) NN
  5. neonnewbie

    Tank Of The Month Award

    I love comedy...this isn't comedy...if your trying to be funny....try harder :) NN
  6. neonnewbie

    Carbon In Filter

    I have an aquaflow 200 filter and it has carbon beads in it,is it better to remove these as I think I read it somewhere but would just like clarification one way or the other. Cheers NN
  7. neonnewbie

    Piranha's ?

    From what I've read they are better in a species only tank as if they want to no other tank fish is really going to stand a chance.
  8. neonnewbie

    Wife Has Put Her Foot Down And Said No :(

    You need to man up fella let her know whose boss #41#### got to go the wife's coming in and I haven't dine the dishes yet lol
  9. neonnewbie

    Cichlid And Silverfish

    Sorry am i missing something here?The silverfish in the picture are insects.If you had these in a tank(they are actually considered a pest)How could you add fish?silverfish(pic)dont live in unsurprissingly do. Yours confused NN
  10. neonnewbie

    Diy Water Change Kit

    I use 97p buckets from asda(x2)and a gravel vac/syphon from local LFS £2.50. NN
  11. neonnewbie

    What Kind Of Sand?

    Only when BP have been drilling near by :fish: :rip: :rofl:
  12. neonnewbie

    Tying A Rake To A Cory?

    Is it possible to tie a little rake to the tails of my corys?As I have come home from work this morning and my lovely smooth sand has got cory marks all over it lol so I want them to smooth it out as they go with their little rakes haha NN **Disclaimer** I wouldn't really try to tie rakes to...
  13. neonnewbie

    Best Cory Vote

    I got some bronze corys at the weekend and they are great took them all if 5 mms before they started exploring the tank and they are so fast.but once again personal choice good topic though :) NN
  14. neonnewbie

    Jewel 70 Rekord Whole Setup

    Its always the case of distance lol Hope it goes to a good hope mate its an absolute bargain set up for someone :good: NN
  15. neonnewbie

    Single Pepper Fry

    And hope the "sisters" on block E dont get to him lol NN
  16. neonnewbie

    Spotted Puffers At My Lfs

    Was this what you saw? NN
  17. neonnewbie

    New Fish Tank Ideas

    Albino frogs? NN
  18. neonnewbie

    New Tank!

    Well done :good: Put some progression pics up :) NN
  19. neonnewbie

    Been Given An Ornament

    Thanks eagle :good: NN
  20. neonnewbie

    Been Given An Ornament

    Cheers Micko :good: NN
  21. neonnewbie

    Been Given An Ornament

    Yeah it was made for an aquarium m8 what i meant was i dont want it to lose the brown wood look. Thanks Micko :) NN
  22. neonnewbie

    Football Banter/discussion Thread

    RE:The liverpool a lfc fan and i love it will definitly be getting it. Glad wembley get the CL final again makes up for all the other tourneys the corrupt fifa wont give us lol NN
  23. neonnewbie

    Been Given An Ornament

    My friend has given me an ornament for my tank its a big tree, but the trouble is he had lots of algae growth in his tank and the tree now has green over it.Ive put it into a bucket of hot water (no chemicals)and scrubbed it but it scrubs off the brown bark colour aswell which I dont want it...
  24. neonnewbie

    Api Master Test Kit, Results Ok?

    I have read on here that the api ammonia test can give that reading but if you use a salifert test it will be reading 0 NN
  25. neonnewbie

    Blue/gold Ram Questions

    I only have the 2 and it's a 60litre tank...I had to have them after I saw a pic of crazyairbornes in the fish of the month section.the male I have is a proper little character he comes to the front of the tank and looks at me then turns to the side as though to show of his colours lol
  26. neonnewbie

    Massive Nitrite And Ammonia Climb!

    Into a bucket during a water change don't scrub it just swish it about to get rid of any clumps of crap on it. NN
  27. neonnewbie

    Pics Of My New 35 Gallon Tank (And Looking For Ideas)

    If you want get your neons more active put some hypo fish in I.e zebra danios they bring the neons out of their shell. Tank looks nice :)
  28. neonnewbie

    Am I The Only One

    I was in a lfs the other week and a couple were in buying fish for what I presumed was a new tank and the assistant was just giving them all the ones they asked for I stood there shaking my head I doubt she asked what size tank they had or if it had been cycled etc but these were the sort of...
  29. neonnewbie

    Massive Nitrite And Ammonia Climb!

    Right first here is a virtual "SLAP" for letting it get so bad :angry: But at least you have come and asked for advice on retifying the problem :good: Good luck with it fella :) NN
  30. neonnewbie

    Blue/gold Ram Questions

    Here is a couple of pics of GBR's The first one is a male the second the female(not a brilliant pic she is camera shy he is a poser lol) Notice the red patch on her side?Thats the red patch an earler poster said to look for. Hope this helps. NN
  31. neonnewbie

    Green Hair In Tank!

    Ive also redirected her filter outlet to direct into the tank as she had it going against the glass..thanks for the quick and helpful reply apprechiate it. NN
  32. neonnewbie

    Green Hair In Tank!

    By a blackout do you mean like cover the tank with a towel or something so its in total darkness?? A neighbour just asked me to clean her tank for her so went and had a look and it has lots of algae in it so i did a water change and cleaned the glass told her to reduce the lighting to 6...
  33. neonnewbie

    Air Stonep/filter

    Thanks m8 I shall invest in one. Cheers NN
  34. neonnewbie

    Brand New

    Welcome to the forum :good: The gravel will need cleaning.empty the water out and wash the gravel then refill it that should cure it for you.if you have already cleaned it the filter will eventually clear the water. Hope this helps NN
  35. neonnewbie


    Welcome to the Forum :) Not sure on the editing problem But im sure a techy type will put you right. NN
  36. neonnewbie

    Air Stonep/filter

    I have the outlet on my internal filter just above the surface which creates bubbles is this the same effect of having an airstone or shou;ld i get an airstone aswell? Cheers NN
  37. neonnewbie

    My 60Lt Tank

    Cracking idea m8 Cheers NN
  38. neonnewbie

    What Are You Listening To?

    The door is over there >>>>>> don't let it hot you on the way out lol Pinks greatest hits 78 ...rihanna... And Jesse j mainly
  39. neonnewbie

    My 60Lt Tank

    I reckon thats a plan m8...I can always take it back off if i dont like :) Cheers NN
  40. neonnewbie

    I Hate My Sister

    My wife's brother lives with us at the mo and he had the audacity to eat my packet of toffeepops even my own kids know not to eat "dads toffeepops" made him go out and get me some more lol