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Panda cories do seem a bit more delicate than some of the other cory species. I bought a trio last year and was intending to get another trio so I had six, but I lost two during the first week so decided against getting any more. The lone panda is now shoaling with my six Adolfoi, though I still wonder whether he'd be happier with his own kind...
Maybe I'll risk trying some more at some point; I have all my cories in a different tank with a sand suibstrate now, they might do better.
Panda cories do seem a bit more delicate than some of the other cory species. I bought a trio last year and was intending to get another trio so I had six, but I lost two during the first week so decided against getting any more. The lone panda is now shoaling with my six Adolfoi, though I still wonder whether he'd be happier with his own kind...
Maybe I'll risk trying some more at some point; I have all my cories in a different tank with a sand suibstrate now, they might do better.

Mine lasted a while, however I had to move them to another tank... they died off one by one over the period of a few months :(
C. schultzei (black) (The other is a C. nattereri)

Are you sure about that? Looks like S. prionotus, from here. :) - Frank

Hi Coryologist :)

No, I'm pretty sure that it's a C. nattereri. I can see why you might think that though. The picture does make it look a bit stretched out. Perhaps these pics will show them off to their advantage.


nattereri 01-13-09.jpg

BTW, I might be wrong but I think I got some of them from you. ;)
Depends on likes and personal likes, I got a trio of Peppered Corys, they are my favorites. They are active and are very hardy. I got them from petsmart 2 months ago. I thought, these babys are gonna last 2 days. Now I can see why I liked them overall the others. If I had a second favorite, Id chose Pygmy :nod: :p
I like bronze cories cause its the only type I can afford at my LFS :p

Pizza - pepperoni extra cheese!
Brochis multiradiatus, although mine like many in the hobby are a nightmare to get eating anything other than live/defrosted food. Their size and personality means they can cope with a far more boisterous community of fish than the smaller corydoras.

But as said above, it all goes on personal tastes... "One man's meat is another man's poison"

Hawiian with a bit of fajita spice, btw! ;)
I currently have peppers and sterbi, and I love them both. I'm trying to get more sterbi. I have seen Panda's, Green and Albinos at the LFS that I visit. But they havent peaked my interest. The Greens are way to big for my liking.
All of them,but find my pandas the most active and zoom around like kamikazi pilots :rolleyes:
I got some bronze corys at the weekend and they are great took them all if 5 mms before they started exploring the tank and they are so fast.but once again personal choice good topic though :)

I really do like them all! I watch them for long stretches of time.

My new pizza favorite is garlic/portobello mushroom/spinach. It's incredible.

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