Single Pepper Fry


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
I have a single pepper fry in a floating net. He has grown nicely in the last week or so. Probably about a 1/8 inch, where i can see his coloring and know he/she is a pepper and not a sterbi. How long should I keep him in the net?

All I have in the tank are 4 Peppers and 2 Sterbi and a single Alge eater. Would it be in danger with these tank mates?

I have an Anubis stretch between 2 lava rocks that has plenty of tightly knit roots hanging down that would provide plenty of cover for it to swin about in and get food that flows past.

I usually let my baby cory's out once they are big enough to correctly id them, but mine are in a dedicated cory tank with only some sparkling gouramis, cherry shrimp and 3 Borneo suckers. Once the babies are let out of their holding net they tend to really rocket along. They do tend to hide a bit when first released (hardly surprising really as the parents are monsters) but quickly get their courage up and start cruising around with the other cory's.

Congrats on your baby peppered :good:
ok i'll probably release him into general pop. tonight and hope to see him in the morning.

thanks for the help
Has long has the wee thing can't fit into the others mouth,then it should be ok.3 weeks is still fairly young,i've added a 5&7 wks old babes to my main tank the other day,the older one is out & about,the younger one still hiding atm. :rolleyes:
Well I added him this morning so I can watch him. He sank down to the bottom and just sat there in the middle of the tank, not knowing what to do. I did some re-arrnaging of stuff and took out a dying plant and that stirred up the troops, but they didnt pay him any mind. The other peppers shot right past him and he got pulled along in there wake, but he settled back down and is just hanging out. I just looked and hes on the other side of the tank, so he has been exploring.

I'll keep you guys updated.

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