There are some types of algae that can be dealt with by using blackouts (you are right, it involves blocking the light as totally (but safely - you don't want to wick water or cause fires from cloth touching equipment) as possible for some suggested period of time (three days springs to mind but don't take it from me.)
If you look at the articles we have at the top of the planted tank section of TFF you should easily find links to a nice web site on algae created by one of the TFF members. Although the triggers for algae are simply light and ammonia, the ways to deal with algae after you've got an excess vary greatly depending on which species of algae it is. The fix for one species is often not the fix for another.
You sound to be proceeding correctly - gentle, determined physical cleanup using sponges, fingers or whatever just prior to a water change are important and of course reducing your lighting period is the most important of all. Identification of the problem species and then figuring out what the fix is and how to apply it are then also important.