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  1. S

    tiger barb

    Hi, I am a big fan of Tiger Barbs, I have 10 in a specimen tank (wish I had more), I got a bigger tank so I could add other fish such as black skirt tetras but I never did the transition. I have both species in separate tanks; it just seems so peaceful this way (I may introduce them later)...
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    Ten Gallon Unfiltered

    I agree B) Nice Demo...
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    Using chlorine remover

    Unbelievable, mine tested positive too, I have an ammonia reading of 0.25 after adding a de-chlorinator to the tap water and I tested the straight tap water and have the exact same reading! Both samples from a 1 gallon clean container. Ok, bottled water for me from now on and I think I might...
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    Using chlorine remover

    Wow, never would have though of that... Duno, -_- Will test straight away! Thanks both of you for the help, will report back on the tap water condition. Stevie
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    Using chlorine remover

    Thanks for the reply Sorrell, That was my thoughts as well, 2 drops are better than a half a drop, even if the instructions say 1 drop. If the de-chlorinator didn’t cause the ammonia spike then I still have to be careful and watchful. I have been cleaning regularly (each week) doing gravel...
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    Using chlorine remover

    Hi guys, I have been using chlorine remover when doing water changes and instead of ‘One Drop’ per US Gallon, I have been squirting in a spray because the dropper seems to be malfunctioning so I have to squeeze the bottle pretty hard. I have recently had an ammonia spike in both tanks, 10g...
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    Just got a free 15 tall!!!!!!!

    Free stuff is defiantly cool; I just went up to the attic to get down the wife’s Christmas things, I decided to have a look around and found my old box of aquatic goodies… Just some under ground filters and a few air pumps, bog wood and a few rocks but it was a good find, I had forgot about...
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    peas for betta???

    Are all types of peas ok? Black eyed pea, sweet pea etc... Also what about beans? I like trying new things and I am sure my fish would love it :drool: (4 black skirts and 10 tiger barbs, 2 different tanks)... Thanks, Stevie
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    well... I'm done

    It would drivce me nuts at times, especialy when the water is low. :angry: It's like TV, it makes me fall asleep but as soon as i do i want to shoot the television... :hyper: Good Luck with your tanks ;) Stevie
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    Waah, I just killed 3 fish

    I have certainly have had my problems with heaters, I now only use submersible types that lie on the bottom and rarely have any contact by me. Best of all they can be left alone during a water changes Sorry for your losses, accidents do happen, :byebye: Stevie
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    What Fish?

    As a plumber I have seen some old structures and most times the older ones have thicker wood. E.g. a 2x4 is really a 2x4 and not 1.5 x 3.5. But then again I have also seen rotten wood in old structures. I think by using a 4 x 8 sheet of ¾ inch plywood under the carpet would really be a good...
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    humane way to put fish down?

    That bold line bothers me... Stevie
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    Can you really?

    DEFINATELY NOT I love new stores that i have never seen before and even the old ones because there always changing. :nod: Stevie
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    sandy bottom

    This may sound thick but do you only use sand for salt water or do you guys use it for tropical fresh tanks as well? :blink: Sand sounds cool, just never thought of putting it in a fresh water tank. -_- Stevie
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    Wanna help name my Fish

    Never thought of naming my fish but it's a great idea if you can remember them all. :( unfortunaly i am not too good with names. :*) Stevie
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    Fry sensitive to water changes?

    I have no idea, but i have to agree with wuvmybetta, and also maybe try frequent small water changes over a long period of time, it may be a sort of a guarantee. :unsure: Just my opinion :look: Stevie
  17. S

    Compatible fish?

    Thanks, i think all signs are pointing to 'No' on the Chinese Algae eater. :huh: This is another one i found... I wonder how long it takes them to grow, But some Black Skirt Tetras should do ok with the Tigers i think. B) Stevie
  18. S

    Compatible fish?

    Thanks, Yes, unfortunately I have read about a Chinese algae eater attacking a black skirt tetra. I wonder if having Black Skirts in a group of 6 or more would help. Tigers are a little weird by them selves too; maybe multiple Chinese algae eaters would help. I guess i better research this a...
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    Freeze dried Tubifex Worms

    I thaw my blood Worms out on a paper towel before feeding, the fish seem to love then. :D
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    whats a python

    I wasn’t really concerned with the currency value of water as much as the environmental costs, but it’s your choice. I have to admit I pour the water in the buckets down the sink in cold and wet weather so the only thing different is the wasting of water while draining the tanks… -_- Stevie
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    whats a python

    Not too bad, but it sounds like water is being wasted on the draining by the faucet running continually, besides I take my bucket out to the garden and spill it there, the bacteria is good fertilizer. :nod: The other option is down the drain... :unsure: Stevie
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    look what ive seen

    Can I borrow a dollor :/ :hey:
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    whats a python

    blimey, for £65 i could watch someone do my water change... ;)
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    Confessions of a fish slacker

    Yea, we all go though this I think, but when we do get in the mood it is satisfying and enjoyable. I set each Friday as my date and give myself the entire weekend to get the job done, that’s a nice long grace period. Anyway, I hope you find the inspiration again, I know your fish will hope so...
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    Compatible fish?

    I have 10 tiger barbs in a 30g tank; I was looking at the Black skirt tetras and the Chinese algae eaters. Are these 3 fish compatible? If so what would be a good limit of each fish, keep in mind I have 10 tigers and I plan on maintaining there population. I was too lazy to search tonight, so...
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    Do Fish Hurt?

    This is a controversial subject that could be a touchy issue; a true angler tries to be as careful with the fish as possible. Do live crickets that some feed to there fish feel pain? What about the worms that are torn while being eaten or other live food? I love to keep fish as much as anyone...
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    The Python

    Most faucets have aerators; this is what usually controls the GPM (gallons per minute rating). Try to spin the end tip of the faucet off with you hand (counter clockwise), sometimes a rubber cloth is needed. I am a plumber by trade and I have seen many faucets and very few do not have some sort...
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    Commonly Available Live foods guide

    Very Professional looking thread, and very helpful, I was just asking my LFS for live Blood Worms and Brine but he said that there not as popular anymore. Hurmm, needless to say I was disappointed… :/
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    Oh my fish my poor fish

    I have lost fish after a move as well, to this day i dont know what happend, maybe the long stressfull time out of a tank or the tap water suggestion is a good one. How long were the fish "out of water" or in a holding container and how big was it and was it sutable for the fish, is the climate...
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    The Fish Trust Me Too Much!!!

    My Tigers also crowd me when i get close to the tank, it is not too bad because there not like that until there really hungry. :)
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    Terra Cotta pots

    I also boil clay pots if i am adding to a populated tank. :nod: Better safe than sorry, unless you have a large pot your regular stove works well, just roll the pott a few times durring the boiling proccess. :P Stevie
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    How often should you do a water change?

    The temperature of the water should be taken into the equation, I do 20 to 25% weekly personally, but as this thread explains, each tank has its own guide line. Stevie
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    Water Changes

    Thanks for the information, i seen them for around $79 us dollors, so i will shop around. :nod:
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    Water Changes

    Ok, i did a search on the Pythons... Sounds like thats what i may want in the near future, but for now its too costly, the buckets will do just fine. :flex: Thanks for the suggestions, Stevie
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    Water Changes

    I dont like snakes anyways :unsure:
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    Water Changes

    :hyper: I was afraid of this... :D Only joking, but i was hoping for an easier solution. I'd better get busy -_- Stevie
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    Water Changes

    A garden hose from the tap to the tank would be the easiest way... :P But seriously if you detoxify the water of chlorine and such how do you guys do this, I currently use a 1 gallon jug but it is a time consuming task. The chore was not so bad with my 10g, but now that my 30g has cycled its...
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    wat can u recommend

    Doh, i did not even see your sig :fun:
  39. S

    wat can u recommend

    What kind of fish do you have now; if Tiger barbs are compatable, there fast moving schooling fish that would love a 80g tank. :nod: They do hide but will dash about and are fun to watch. :D Stevie
  40. S

    tiger barb broken??

    I have had Tiger barbs die, :-( I have 6 tigers in a 10g tanks and do get ammonia spikes occasionally, I’d suggest that you do an emergency test for ammonia and nitrIte; it could save your other fish... ;) And I agree your water changes on that small tank should be more frequent. :/ Good...