tiger barb broken??


New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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last night one of my small tigerbarbs was being really weird, swimming fast up to the top then tumbling back down to the bottom like he was dead. then later he was just resting on the bottom of my tank (which they never do) i knew he was on his way to die but had no idea what to do or help, he was looking better by the time i was going to bed os i figured maybe hed be fine in the morning.
then this morning i found him stuck in my filter intake, so i got him out and he tried to swim but his tail looks broken and its at an odd angle...
i guess all i can do now is euthanasia :(
but i dont have any clove oil which i heard was the most humane thign to do, right now the little guys trying to breathe and now and then trying to swim and must not be in very good shape.
i also couldnt deal with cutting off his head or smashing it.
are there any last resorts?
or is euthanasia the only one :(

and some info that wasnt included: i do 20% water changes every month
i havent added any chemicals or treatments to the water
this tiger barb lives with 5 others and 3 corys
13 gal
i recently added the 3 corys, and 2 of the barbs have only been in there for a week or so.
but everyone else is in tip top shape!
the scary thing is that lately he has just come down with this weird 'narcolepsy' i thought it was kind of funny when hed get tossed by the current from the filter and then just wake up. but now i realized that it got so bad he somehow got sucked into the filter...and didnt really wake up until his tail was broken.
does this sound like anything you guys have heard of?
im really afraid for my other fish but none of them even seem to care, and arent acting weird.
hmm never heard of that, but u can just put him in a jug of ice water and he will die without no ing it, or the good old flusher :-(

edit: 20% water change once a month!!!! u should be doing that once a week buddy
I have had Tiger barbs die, :-(
I have 6 tigers in a 10g tanks and do get ammonia spikes occasionally, I’d suggest that you do an emergency test for ammonia and nitrIte; it could save your other fish... ;)

And I agree your water changes on that small tank should be more frequent. :/

Good Luck

fufanu360 said:
hmm never heard of that, but u can just put him in a jug of ice water and he will die without no ing it, or the good old flusher :-(
I'm getting quite sick of people who euthanise in that way.


Read that.

Peter, i think you should euthanise the fish. It is suffering, and may endanger your other fish. PLEASE USE AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD OF EUTHANISATION. I cannot stress that point enough. It's bad enough as it is, it shouldn't have to suffer in its last moments.


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