sandy bottom


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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how long does it take for sand to settle....its been 2 days since i put sand in my new tank and its still not settled still real cloudy - should i runt he filter during this process btw?
Uhm Yeah!
You really should have the tank moving to get rid of the cloudiness.
After the 2 day or so, rinse out your sponge in some old tank water.
This might help, good luck!
btw, did you rinse your sand first? :D
Sand take along time to 100% settle, it can clog your filter witch means ya have to clean it more, and once it has the filter still needs to be cleaned more as it picks up more poop off sand.

as earthgirl said did you rince the sand, as I found it needed a VERY good rince.
My sand settled in a couple of hours... dunno what's wrong with yours.
I have black sand and mine cleared in a few hours.
Did you rinse it well? I had to rinse my 7 times before it got clear enough to put into my tank.
you want to be careful running your filter if there's sand floating around, it could knacker your impeller. i put some extra fine filter media in the top of my filter when i put sand in, jsut in case.
k thanks for the advise well when i woke up this morning it was alot more clearer not settled yet but much better
yeah its finally good to go took a little while but its as good as my graveled tank now :)
This may sound thick but do you only use sand for salt water or do you guys use it for tropical fresh tanks as well?


Sand sounds cool, just never thought of putting it in a fresh water tank. -_-

yea i recently sound this out myself, u do need filtration to get that cloudiness to leave, but it looks great after that :thumbs:
StevieJack said:
This may sound thick but do you only use sand for salt water or do you guys use it for tropical fresh tanks as well?


Sand sounds cool, just never thought of putting it in a fresh water tank. -_-

yeah sand can be used for tropical too. you cant use beach sand or the sand they put in marine tanks though.
I use sand because I have Cories(freshwater): they have those barbels (sp) and gravel tends to break them.

Plus they spend their whole lives lying on the bottom of the tank and that gravel did not look comfortable! Now that they have sand they are very happy:D

Now I want sand in all my tanks!!!! It looks awsome.

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